Hide And Seek

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Warning! Death

Lil woke up and something felt wrong. Sun wasn't around and she couldn't check what time it was. "Sun? Are you in here?" Lil got no answer. She then heard bells. Sun came into view.
"Oh sunshine you're awake," Sun said nervously.
"Why isn't the daycare open?" Lil asked.
"There was an incident and they thought it would be safer to have the daycare closed today," he said, messing with the ribbons on his wrist.
"An incident? Did someone get hurt?" She asked, concerned.
"Um, yes, very hurt," he frowned. "They were messing with some machinery and then their arm got caught. And..... you probably can think of what happened after that," Sun's rays retracted.
"Oh god, that's terrible. How did you guys find out?" Lil asked, frowning. Sun was silent for a good second before answering.
"I was just laying with you when I got a message to come down to the entrance. I was a bit worried that they had found out about you but then they explained that the daycare should be closed for today. They didn't tell me anything more, I had to listen in to them talking," Sun explained. Lil nodded in understanding.

Lil held out her hand and Sun grabbed it. She pulled Sun to the bed. He sat down on the bed.
"It's fine, this isn't the first time it has happened anyway," Sun said. Lil moved to be in his lap, facing him. She grabbed his face. He started to blush.
"That doesn't mean it's not bad or traumatic. Even if it happened a lot," Lil smiled.
"I can't think when you are like this," Sun blushed.
"Wow, simp," she got out of his lap.
"Simp? What's a simp?" Sun asked. "Why is Moon agreeing with it?!" Sun yelled. Lil laughed at him.
"Don't worry about it. I guess you are cooped up here with me," Lil said.
"I like being cooped up with you! Then we can play more games," Sun smiled wide.

"True," Lil smiled. His personality seemed to change quickly. Lil ignored it for now. They played some games together. They then heard some yelling.
"Robot!" A man yelled. Sun quickly got up and went to the balcony.
"Yes? What do you need?" Sun asked nervously.
"The daycare is going to be closed for 2 more days!" The man yelled more. Two more days?
"Oh, alright! Thank you for telling us," Sun smiled as the man huffed away. Sun came back messing with his fingers.
"Two more days? That seems crazy," Lil said.
"It's fine, just means more time with you," he smiled lightly.
"Won't you miss the kids?" She asked.
"Of course I will! Just, I miss you too during the day," Sun said quietly. Lil sighed. Everything was weird. Lil was just stuck here. And now she was mostly fine with it. It was getting a bit cramped.
"Sun? I have a question," Lil said, looking at Sun.
"Yes sunshine?" Sun smiled a little.
"During open hours can I please come down. I doubt fazbear would really care especially since they haven't come looking for me this whole time," Lil looked down. Sun's rays went into his head a little.
"I......I'm not sure. I'll have to talk to Moon about it," Sun said, grabbing a little at his rays.

"Okay, I'm fine with that," Lil smiled. She rubbed his arm. He looked at her. "Do you want to play a game?" Lil asked, smiling softly.
"Yes please," Sun smiled a little, grabbing her hand. They played battleships for a while. After they were done Sun put away the game. "Sunrise?" Sun asked, looking at Lil from on the floor. She was sitting on the side of the bed.
"Yes Sun?" She answered, looking at him with curiosity.
"I.....I think me and Moon have decided to let you go outside the room after the daycare reopens," Sun said looking up at Lil. "Under some conditions."
"Of course, I would expect so," Lil laughed a little.
"I'm going to let Moon out to explain them. He hasn't been out for a second," Sun got up and he kissed Lil on the head before moving to the light switch.
"Alright bye Sun," Lil waved.
"Bye sunshine," he flipped the switch.

He changed over to Moon in a few seconds.
"Hello starlight," Moon smiled going onto the bed.
"Hi Moon," she smiled.
"Alright time to explain the rules," he sat criss crossed on the bed. Lil nodded showing she was listening. "First, you can not talk about the fact we kidnapped you," he said.
"Obviously," Lil rolled her eyes.
"Second, the kids will ask where you have been," Moon started up.
"I'll tell them I had been sick the whole time," Lil smiled.
"Alright. Third, do not leave the daycare," Moon looked at Lil seriously. Lil nodded slowly. "And last but not least, have fun," he ruffled Lil's hair.
"Yeah, yeah. That won't be hard in a daycare," Lil smiled.
"Alright, that's it," he smiled wide. "Do you want to play a bit of a new game?" He asked.
"Sure, what is it?" Lil asked. He giggled a bit crazy before answering.
"Hide and seek," he grinned.
"Am I allowed to go down to the daycare?" Lil smiled wide, already ready to hide.
"Yes you are," he giggled.
"Alright I'm in. But first, is there an easier way to get up and down from your room?" Lil asked.

"Yes, yes, there is. Just go through that door there," he points to a gray door. "You would have 5 minutes to hide. And it's anywhere in the daycare. Even the theater and the one arcade room. If you see a guard please hide," Moon said.
"Got it!" Lil gave him a thumbs up. Moon chuckled.
"Alright, let's start," he smiled. Lil ran to the door and started to run down a long hallway. There was another door and she opened it. The other side just looked like a poster. Weird but I guess that keeps people out of their room. Lil ran and ended up in the theater. It wouldn't be smart to hide in here. It was dark but Moon can see in the dark. She ran past and got into the little snacks area. She could hide in the back but he would probably find her pretty fast. She went past and out the big opening door. Kind of like a garage door. She slid down some long stairs and then she fell at the bottom. She fell on her side.
"Ow, fuck, that was dumb," she got up slowly. She walked quickly to the small arcade room. She was hoping one of them was open. And indeed one was open. "Yes," she whispered. She got in and slowly closed the door as much as she could.

There was only a sliver of light coming in and it was barely any due to the lights being off. She hugged her knees and she tried to get more comfortable. It was so dark. The silence was very loud. She drummed her fingers on her leg. She wasn't claustrophobic or anything but it was a bit scary in the dark. She felt like she had been there forever until she heard from a distance.
"Ready or not, here I come."

I hope you enjoyed!

1228 words

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