Cats and Mice

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After all the kids went in, Lil started to get some paperwork done. Sun was playing happily with the kids and was every once and a while coming over to Lil. To lean over her to "check" her paperwork. He would sneak in a head bonk as a kiss. Eventually she got done with her work. She was just sitting there playing with her phone. Sun had given it back to her.
"Come play Miss. Lil!" A kid named James yelled. He pulled on her pants leg.
"Yea, come play!" Another kid named Rose yelled excitedly.
"Okay, okay, I'll come play. What are we playing," Lil smiled as she got up.

"We are playing cat and mouse. The cats have to close their eyes and search for the mice," Sun smiled as he brought all the kids together.
"Alright, sounds fun," Ll smiled as the group of kids laughed and smiled. They both split off into different groups. Cats and mice. Lil wasn't sure what group to join. Sun was being a cat this round. She kind of wanted to join him but the cat was a harder role.
"Come join my team Miss. Lil," A boy named Dave said, tugging on her pants leg. They were on the mice team.
"I don't know," Lil said uncertainly.
"You should sunshine, Then the mice will have a chance and it's not unfair," Sun smiled wide. He wanted to hunt her. He hadn't been able to play hide and seek so this was his chance. She was about to protest but she decided to keep her mouth shut as she walked to the mice side. "Alright, remember to be nice, walk on all fours and if you get tagged you are out," Sun said before closing his eyes. "Alright, scatter!"

Everyone started to run around on all fours. The cats tried to blindly tag the mice. There were giggles and laughs. Lil was watching Sun the whole time. He was tagging a few kids here and there but he seemed to be looking for Lil. Lil breathed deeply as she was getting a bit tired from crawling on the floor. Sun picked up on that and started to creep towards her. She backed up quickly and tried to hide behind some kids. A few cats were nearby but it should be fine. Sun listened to her movements carefully. He grinned when he "saw" an opening. He jumped and got on top of her. She yelped as she looked up and saw Sun looking at her.
"Got you little mouse," She smiled wide. Lil started to blush as he loomed over her.
"Mr. Sun is cheating! He opened his eyes!" Rose yelled, pointing at him. Sun got up quickly and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Oh darn, I got carried away. Go play without me," Sun held out his hand for Lil as the kids continued to play. She took it and was gently lifted up. Sun giggled as Lil hit him in the chest.
"That wasn't fair at all," Lil said, frowning slightly.
"Like I said, I got carried away," Sun smiled wide as he bonked her head. "You're fun to chase," he whispered in her ear. It made her shiver. "Anyway! Can you help me get ready for arts and crafts," Sun asked, putting his hands on his hips. She sighed as she rolled her shoulders.
"Sure," She answered.
"Just don't spill anything," Sun grinned as he walked to the associated bins.
"Hush," Lil shook her head.

They did arts and crafts pretty smoothly. It was now time for naptime.
"Alright children! It's time to take your nap," Sun yelled as he put away the art supplies. There were plenty of aww's and no's. "Now, now, be nice. Don't you want to see Moonie?" Sun tisked. They all yelled yes. "Then it will have to be naptime. I'll see you all later my little dewdrops," Sun turned off the lights. They all said bye to Sun. Moon switched over and smiled at the kids.
"Hello moonlights," Moon was greeted with a lot of hellos. "Alright, it's time to take your naps. Remember that if you don't want to sleep, stay quiet for the rest or you will be put in time out," Moon explained as he picked up a book and sat on the floor. All the kids ran to get their sleeping bags and pillows. Lil walked behind Moon. "Hello my dear," Moon smiled thoughtfully at her.
"What are you reading?" Lil asked.
"Goodnight Mr. Moon," Moon smiled as some of the kids started to come back.
"Creative," Lil smirked. Moon rolled his eyes playfully.

Lil sat next to Moon as all the kids got back. They were waiting mostly quietly for Moon to start the story. He started as the kids laid down. At the end all the kids were asleep or quietly laying there with their eyes closed. Moon and Lil looked at each other and giggled quietly. Lil laid her head on his shoulder. He kissed her head sweetly, closing his eyes. He sighed quietly as they relaxed there. They stayed like that for a while. Lil was nearly falling asleep when Moon moved to face her. She looked up at him confused before he kissed her gently. She gasped but it was muffled by the kiss. It was sweet and delicate and long. When Moon broke the kiss Lil was blushing pretty hard. He giggled with a hand on his mouth. She rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. There was a ding in Moon's chest.

"And that marks the end of naptime. You should go eat something before the kids become a handful again," Moon stood up taking her up with him.
"Alright, I'll be back to help Sun pretty soon," Lil hugged Moon and kissed his chest making Moon slightly blush this time. "Bye, bye Moonie," She started to walk out the door and she blew a kiss to him. He caught it and did it back. It made them both giggle.
"Bye, Bye my starlight," He sighed as he began the process of waking the kids. Secretly one of the kids had been awake to watch their flirting and kissing. It was time to spread some rumors.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a good day byeee!

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