Warning: KEEP OUT

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Warning! Character takes pills, blindfolding and tying up

She curled into a ball. She heard the familiar sound of bells
"Starlight, you still here?" Moon asked in a soft tone. His eyes looked over her. "Good, hope the lights going out didn't scare you too bad," He chuckled. He sat on the bed and rubbed her back. Lil flinched hard at him touching her. "I got pizza for you doll," He smiled. She uncurled herself and sat up. He handed her the pizza and she took it. She wasn't a fan of this pizza but it would have to do. She began to eat it. Moon started to mess with the bell on his hat. "Starlight, I just want to say I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't really mean any of it," He sighed.
""Really mean any of it." So you did. Why do you want to hurt me? I didn't do anything to you," She growled, continuing to eat the pizza.

"Oh star, It's not that I want to hurt you. I just want to hear you scream," Moon smiled. She stopped eating as a chill ran up her spine.
"W-what?" she stuttered.
"Screaming is really enjoyable to me. You can get it by scaring someone like jumping out of a corner. But that only works a few times. But if you hurt someone. You get a true scream and it doesn't stop unless they die or pass out," Moon explained way to calm. What the actual fuck. Is that why Moon always scared her at the start of her shift? Does Sun want this too? She sat there quietly. Moon sighed. "I know that it's a lot to take in. Don't worry I won't hurt you unless you give me a reason to. Such as trying to leave. Sun has the same policy," Moon tried to touch her but she flinched away.

Moon enjoyed scaring people but he never wanted to scare Lil this bad. Maybe he really should watch his mouth. Both of them didn't say anything for a few minutes. Moon was giving her space. After about 10 minutes of silence Lil said something.
"D-do you want to play a game? Like uno or something so I can use a light," She asked not looking at Moon. Moon stared at her with a blank expression for a long second.
"You want to play a game with me?" Moon questioned.
"Isn't that th-the whole point of you guys kidnapping me. Ha....Ha," she said. Moon chuckled a little.

"Yes, yes. Let me get the cards," Moon reached under the bed. She wanted something to distract herself from this situation. She wanted to pretend this was just a normal sleepover. Lil sat cross legged on the bed. Moon copied her pose, sitting across from her. He dealt out the cards and they started playing. After about 5 rounds of uno the lights suddenly came back on. Sun had control over the body now. He looked at her as she looked at him.
"I'm so happy you and Moon were getting along!" He suddenly yelled. It made Lil jump a bit. "Oh, sorry, sorry. I'm just so glad," Sun smiled wide, his rays spinning.

She looked at them, turning her head to the side. Sun did the same thing. "Something on your mind sunshine?" Sun asked.
"Are your rays sharp?" she asked. Sun blinked at her for a second.
"No, that would be very unsafe. You can touch them if you want. They are actually very soft," Sun smiled, leaning his head down so she didn't have to reach up. She touched them carefully then squeezed them. They were silicone and they were squishy. "See! Perfectly safe," he lifted his head.
"Hm, sun?" She asked, looking up at him.
"Yes?" Sun answered.
"I had pills in my bag. I don't know what time it is but I'm pretty sure I was supposed to take them a while ago," Lil said looking down.

"Oh sunrise, you should have said something sooner. Of course I'll get them for you," Sun got up quickly. "Oh wait!" Sun picked up the blindfold. He started to walk towards Lil. She backed away. "I know, don't worry sunbite. It's only well I get the stuff. I can't have you knowing where it is," Sun put the blindfold on her as she whimpered a little. "Can I have your hands?" Sun asked.
"Why?" She said, hiding her hands in her legs.
"I don't want you to just take off the blindfold. It will just take a second sunshine," Sun smiled thoughtfully.
"I don't want to," Lil mumbled.
"Sunshine, please give me your hands," He said in a more demanding tone.

Lil jumped but still shook her head. "Fine, I'll do it myself," Sun lightly growled. He forcefully took Lil's hands and tied them. Lil yelped. Sun took a deep breath. "There, all done. I'll be right back," He patted Lil's bound hands. He got up and left Lil shaking there. She was tied up with some ribbon. It was less than 30 seconds when she heard Sun's bells coming back. That means her stuff is close by. Good to know. "See? I was back real fast," Sun said cheerfully. He took off the blindfold and untied her. He also had water and pills in his hands. He handed them to her. She took the pills and chugged the water. "Careful sunrise, you don't want to have to puke," Sun smiled.

That made her think.
"Where do I go to the bathroom?" She asked.
"There's one in here!" He motioned to a reddish door.
"Why do you guys have a bathroom?" Lil mumbled.
"They wanted us to feel a little normal. It has a shower and bathtub too," Sun sat on the bed.
"Good to know," She whispered. Her stomach growled lowly. Sun giggled as Lil had a slight flush.
"You hungry sunshine?" Sun asked. "Y-yeah," She hid her face a little.
"Okay! I'll be ri-" Sun started to say before Lil said,
"Let me go with you." Sun turned his head to the side. "I don't like how quiet it gets here," she looked down embarrassed.

"Sunshine, I would love to bring you but I don't want anyone to know you're still here," Sun frowned a little. Lil put her head down. Sun walked to her and lightly kissed her head. "I'll be right back," Sun then left. Lil looked around this time. There was a medium sized box. It was a dark blue. It was just on a side table by the bed. She reached out and took it. It had a lock but it was unlocked. She opened it slowly. There was a notebook that said KEEP OUT! In red letters. Was this their diary? She opened the first page.

Jan 10th 20- 7:32 PM

Jan 11th 20- 2:05 AM
She fell asleep in the bed a little bit agø. I think it's time tø put her under the bed. I høpe she døesn't wake up well I'm møving her.

3:10 AM
Everything went fine. I just have tø wait until she wakes up.

Lil thought it was weird that they had gone backwards in the book. That was like them though I guess. This was odd to read after the fact. They had been planning this awhile. Lil went to go to the next page but she heard bells. She quickly put everything away. "I'm back~" Sun sang.
"H-hi," she said. He had a salad with him. "Here you are sunshine!" He handed it to her.
"Thank you," she smiled a little.
"Of course!" Sun smiled wide sitting next to her. She began to eat the salad.
"Why does Moon put slashes through his O's?" Lil asked more to herself. Sun turned his head to the side.
"Where did you see Moon write?" Sun asked.

Lil almost choked on her salad.
"I-I well um. I saw it on a little sticky note he wrote on once. Just thought it was a little odd He He," she quickly lied. It was quiet for a while. Maybe Sun was talking to Moon or something.
"Okay!" Sun smiled. "Hm now what should we do," Sun tapped his chin. "Oh! I know! How about we play Risk?" Sun cheered.
"Yeah, sure. That should be fun," Lil smiled. She was just glad she didn't get caught. Sun got out the game and they played for 6 hours. Yes, the game took that long. It was getting close to 11 when they were done. Sun won. Lil was about to pass out when they finished. "That was so fun," Sun grinned as he put away the game.

"Yeah, it was. *Yawn* but I think it's past my bedtime," Lil yawned. Sun giggled lightly.
"Yes, yes. You have had a very long day sunshine. Time for some good sleep. I'll wake you up before the daycare opens tomorrow so I can explain the rules for it," Sun smiled. Lil could only nod as she headed for the bed. She crashed on it. "Good night Sunbeam," Sun giggled. "Good night Sun," Lil mumbled before falling into a deep sleep.

I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of this book! It's really fun to write so I hope you did. Anyway, have a good day!

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