Arc 2 | Chapter 13 - A pause within the storm's eye

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Re:Craftsman, Devil or a protector Arc 2



"Noble Phantasm/Spell incantation"

{Telepathic speaking}

《"Erebus physically speaking"》

《{Erebus telepathic speaking}》

《'Erebus thinking'》


(Subaru's flashback pov)

"Magecraft?" I repeated, confused but also curious over the foreign word. My other was equally confused and curious.

"Yes, Magecraft." Mine and my other's adopted mother, Tohsaka Rin, confirmed.

It has been two weeks since we left the hospital with both Rin and Shirou. During these days, we had remained quiet unless spoken to and just as observant of everything around us as we were back in the hospital. We saw how people interacted with each other. We saw how everyone did different things. We learned from Rin and Shirou about things that we didn't understand and were curious about and things that they talked to us about. We noticed that both of them seemed very interested in us, unlike the doctors and nurses. Yes, the doctors and nurses did talk with us, but only when they wanted something. Rin and Shirou involved us in almost everything and always gave us this... look and tone. It looked soft... or was it gentle? Regardless, it made us feel this discomfort going through our body. But... it was a warm discomfort... and neither me nor my other disliked it.

It wasn't the only thing we noticed. Again, we noticed that sometimes when I looked at people, I would see images of them doing other things at the same time or just see what they would end up doing a few seconds before it happened. I tried to ignore it, and my other tried as well, but eventually, it started to hurt, having our eyes open. Shirou and Rin quickly noticed our distress and asked us what was wrong. We explained what we were seeing and what they doctors and nurses said, fully expecting them to respond like the doctors and nurses did. However, that didn't happen. Instead, Rin's mouth fell, and her eyes slightly widened before narrowing while Shirou's eyes narrowed as an idea formed in his head. Rin then began explaining that she and Shirou were what was called a magus, which led her to explain what that meant. which led us to now.

"Magecraft is the artificial reenactment of Mystery, which is ordinarily possible only by inhuman beings. It is the ability to bring about what is possible through science with supernatural means." Rin paused her explanation, realising something. "Maybe this is a bit too complicated for the both of you."

Me and my other sat on a chair, absorbing what she said, and something just clicked within us. Like we could perfectly understand what Magecraft was in a simplific way.

"If you flap your hand really quickly, wind would start blowing. Magecraft let you do the same but without flapping your hand. Is that a good summary?" Rin froze and stared at us shocked.

"Yes..., yes, you are." I blinked in confusion by her reaction. She then followed up. "Anyway, me and your father suspect that you have the ability to use magecraft."

《"We do?"》 My other responded before noticing that he was in control again. 《"Do you think that this is magecraft related?"》 He asked her, confused by what was happening.

"Yes, I do." Rin went and sat down on the couch beside us, "and I believe that this is your magical abilities showing themselves."  She explained.

My other self nodded. She then followed up with a request. "Take your shirt off."

《"Why?"》 My other asked, tilting his head to the side. Rin froze for a moment and turned away, which confused us.

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