Arc 2 | Chapter 6 - Meeting a little girl and a clown

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Spell incantation

{Telepathic speaking}

《"SHADOW speaking"》

《'SHADOW thinking'》

(Subaru's pov)

"Yin, yang, and earth?" I asked in slight shock, almost couldn't believe it. I have three elements, but that was nothing new, but what was shocking to me was my supposed earth element. I could understand why I have yin and yang, but earth? Where did that come from? Is earth supposed to be "forge" or "void"? If so, it does and doesn't make any sense.

Void is formless and is mostly only able to increase the magical energy of spells and mysteries and modify them. But my element of "forge" did let me use specific attributes that belonged to earth and fire to a certain degree.

Fire is an element not only well suited for destructive Magecrafts but also let the user encompass spells used for consumption, entropy, energy transference, and thermodynamic.

The earth element is suited for "grounding", "embedding" and "binding " things together. But it is also the essence of gemstones. My "forge" element let me "embedd" and "bind" thing never anything related to "grounding".

So why do I suddenly possess the earth element? Sure, I "can" use other spells that belong to the other elements, but that was by using my magic crest.

Oh well, I'm just gonna put that question in the 'figure out later' list.
But man, the spells that I can now use and create are gonna be amazing. Speaking of spells....

"Puck, do you know any spells?" I asked the spirit.

"While I am a great spirit of fire, I can still use some yin magic." He said before pointing his tail at me. I suddenly felt both my mind's eye and eyes of reversion warning me of an incoming magical attack...

"Minya."...suddenly a stake made of crystallized mana covered with light purple flames, burst forth and heading towards me. However, my magic resistance quickly activated, and the stake disintegrated into nothing when it got to close.

"Puck, why did you do that!?" Asked Emilia in a worried tone.

"Yes, Puck, what were you just trying to do?" I asked the spirit, with a slight glare and an empty tone. Puck had an expression of surprise before his eyes slightly narrowed at me.

"How did you do that?" He asked me in a serious tone.

"Do what, Puck?" Asked Emilia, confused by Puck's surprise. Hearing Emilia's question, his expression changed into a cheeky one.

"Well, I just wanted to scare him a little by casting Minya on him,"--his rubbed his paw on the back of his head. "But I, of course, disintegrated the spell before it would hit him." He "explained" to Emilia.

'He is lying.' I thought to myself.

Mind's Eye only activates when I am in real danger, so it was obvious that he attempted to harm me in some way. But hearing him attempting to lie his way out of the situation was something I found rather amusing. As powerful as he is, he seems to be rather stupid. There is no way that Emilia will belie--

"Stop that Puck, take this a little more seriously. You could have hurt him." --She said with a scolding tone before her expression relaxed. "But be careful next time when you prank someone."

... what?

To say the least that I was in disbelief was an understatement. That's it? That's her response to him attempting MURDER!? How can a person be so stupid to believe such an obvious lie!? Her appearance has most definitely given her the attention of people's bloodlust in the past. So, she should know how it feels like when someone is releasing it. So why? Why doesn't she realise how fuck up it is?
My thoughts was put to halt when Puck turned towards me apologised.

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