What is beauty

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What is beauty in this world filled with superficial standards?

Plagued with the unwritten expectations of flawless faces and perfect bodies

Well I find beauty in the imperfect

In the broken and the discarded

The things most people view as ugly or useless

I see beauty in the cracked pavement

In the abandoned buildings

Even  the overgrown weeds

There is a raw honesty in their imperfection

It whispers that perfection is shallow and fleeting

I find beauty in the scars

In the wrinkles

In the bruises

Each mark tells a story

Of survival and of resilience

Beauty in the face of adversity

I find beauty in the darkness

In the shadows

In the depths of despair

For it is in the darkness that light shines brightest

So what is beauty?

It is not seen with the eyes

But felt in the heart

It's the ability to find beauty in the most  unlikeliest of places

It's the ability find beauty in oneself

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Thank you so much, my little butterflies, for supporting me on this incredible journey in my writing career.

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Have a wonderful day, and thank you again

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