Larry Stylinson-The Truth

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The storyline for this fanfic are indeed based upon the events or real life, although none of the characters, feelings or plots are meant to be in any way realistic or insinuate the happenings or real life,



Harry's POV-

"You go on upstairs Sweetie, I'll be up with some hot chocolate in a few minutes" cooed my mum Anne. " You've got a huge day ahead of you tomorrow and you need a good night's rest."

"Mum, seriously, stop fussing" I grumbled; although I was hardly mad at all. "It's not like the fate of the world rests in my hands," I chuckled jokingly. But as I made my way upstairs and into my room, I couldn't help but notice the nerves beginning to eat away at me and the butterflies erupting within my stomach.

The bed creaked as I plonked down comfortably onto it, still not appreciating the rather loud noises it made.

Understandably, a 16 year old lad wouldn't be favourable over a bed that could easily signal to the rest of the household that you weren't in fact tucked up in bed 'sleeping' with your girlfriend of the moment. Sadly, I had learnt that the hard way.

But fortunately for me, it wasn't either of my parents who witnessed the event, it was my older sister Gemma who walked in upon what she would call a 'mentally scarring' scene.

With lots of bribery and the famous Harry Styles Cupcake Face, I managed to convince her to keep it between us and not tell Mum. Although, she did groan that she might need hours of intense therapy to erase the images from her brain.

As I gazed up at the ceiling fan, I chuckled lightly at the memory that had since became an easy source of blackmail for Gemma occasionally when she wanted a hand sneaking in late, tired and drunk. But all in all I loved my sister and would do that for her anyway. I would never let her know that though.

I glanced around at the walls that were plastered in Take That posters and various ones of girls. I took in the details of my room that I had never spent the time noticing before and sighed at the fact that it would soon be time me for to leave home.

The thought frightened me as I was already having to rely on my Mother less and less.

"You're growing up you know" Mum said sadly from the doorway. I looked up.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Sherlock" I replied cheekily, with a grin to ensure her that I was joking and to more importantly cheer her up. I couldn't stand seeing her all mopey and I knew it was because of the upcoming X Factor audition in the morning. Just the though of it brought back the fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I hated, and by hated I mean absolutely detested seeing her like this but tomorrow was my only chance to be big and famous like I had always dreamed as a child.

Just imagine me, dressed all innocently with my angelic face and curly hair at the age of about 3, singing into my older sister's karaoke machine with my mum, Anne gazing on fondly. It's amazing how things change.

I knew that deep down my mum was just as, and if not more excited than I, but it was just hard for her to admit it.

"How about you stop smiling down at your hands like a dork and drink that hot chocolate I've made you before it turns stone cold?" Asked mum smirking. "Its just how you like it so no excuses now" she giggled like a child.

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