4-Little Cottage

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Harry's POV-

After a long and tiring drive up here, we had finally arrived at the little family cottage that I had spent many happy years at when I was a child. It was the perfect time and place to get to know each other better and rehearse before we attended judges houses next week.

Being me, I stupidly packed 3 suitcases for 2 weeks. All were filled with various items of clothing and sources of entertainment for all of us while we were here.

Although, the idiot I am forgot that we had the tiniest wardrobes possible here and I wouldn't even manage to unpack half of a single suitcase, if that even.

The car pulled into the driveway and I saw Louis here already. He was dragging bags and trunks out of the boot of his car along the driveway and into the house.

I honked the car horn to signal I was here. I then hopped out of the drivers seat to help him manage his bags and he flashed me one of his dazzling smiles, showing he was grateful.

"Going to help me now then?" I asked him.

"Of course Haz." He joked right back.

Wait, since when has he called me Haz? I liked it though, so I wasn't complaining.

"Nice nickname you've given me already Lou. I like it already."

He just winked at me as he walked over to my car and swung open the back door. He stopped and stared with his mouth wide open. When he didn't shut it after a few seconds I began to get worried. Was he having some sort of vision?

I was about to go and see what he was fussing about but he suddenly blurted out,"BLOODY HELL, HOW MANY CASES DO YOU NEED? WE'RE ONLY HERE FOR 2 WEEKS MATE."

Well... It could've been worse.

"Oh, um... About that. Well, I didn't really think about it I just packed what I needed if I'm totally honest!" I replied.

"You really think you'll need all of this?" He asked.

"Better be safe than sorry." I shrugged.

"I'm just glad it's not me who has to unpack all of this." He chuckled.

"I don't know about that!" I teased him

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Seeing as everyone else can't make it down here until tomorrow morning, you've got nothing better to do so I've decided you're going to help me unpack."

"What?" He gasped!

"I'll be kind, I pwomise." I told him.

"You better." He threatened me jokingly.

I gestured for him to step inside, still lazily lugging my cases behind me.

He stood sassily with his hand on his hip, raising his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I asked him, confused.

He managed to keep a straight whilst saying, "Ladies first of course."

I gasped with fake shock and horror but just walked in ahead of him anyway.

We both dumped the bags in the doorway, kicking off our shoes and hanging out coats on the hooks. I took a while to take in how the cottage looked seeing as I hadn't been here in years. Nothing had changed really, it was all just the same. The dark velvet curtains were draped across the window-sill creating a relaxing vibe. The sofa cushions were all puffed up and the snugly throws were folded neatly on the corner of the footrest. The coffee table shone in the sunlight, reflecting on the huge mirror hung on the wall.

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