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A/N- Abit of Harry's POV this chapter just to spice things up! :)

PS. Warning- Moderately mature content in this scene! ;)


Harry's POV-

What have I done?

What an ass I am.

I nearly kissed Louis.

What would've happened if I did? Would he have responded?

I should really stop trying to thing like this.

Hundreds of 'what if's' ran through my mind non stop as I unsuccessfully attempted  to sleep.

"Stop it Harry." I told myself sternly. After all, there was nothing that I could do now.

If Liam hadn't have walked in on us, our lips would've collided. I could've finally tasted Louis's lips the way that I had been pining to. I was still unsure whether it was a good thing or not.

Before I knew it, I had been led in bed for hours, twisting around in the bed sheets uncomfortably. Every position I attempted to lay in, I found myself feeling as if something vital was missing; or should I say someone?

Eventually, after countless attempts of sleeping, I gave up. I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes with my hands clenched tightly into fists. I stretched my arms above my head until my shoulders clicked and I sighed.

I swivelled to the side and let my bare legs dangle over the edge of the bed so that I was facing the wall. I slid my feet into my slippers and shuffled sleepily over to the door.

I planned to creep downstairs silently,  being especiall careful not to wake anyone up, and grab a glass of warm milk to aid my sleeping situation.

Well, like I said, that was the plan anyway.

I slipped out of my bedroom door, ensuring that I opened it quickly so that it didn't make that loud creaky noise. I softly padded down the hallway but I heard something that made me stop dead in my tracks. A low growl of thunder followed by what I assumed to be whimpering reached my ears.

I knew that a storm was coming as I could see it in the clouds when we were around the campfire earlier but didn't think to mention it.

What on Earth could it be?

Being the brave person that I am, I followed the trail of noise with my ears and stopped when I realised that I was stood right outside Louis' bedroom door. I hesitated to knock, unsure of whether I was meant to be there or not. Maybe he didn't want me to hear what was going on in there.

After a moment of debating in my head, I decided to knock gently but swiftly on the old piece of worn oak. Not getting a reply, I put my weight down on the doorhandle and allowed the door to swing wide open.

Before me, someone was hunched up in a ball clenching onto the duvet with all his might and shivering. A few sobs left his lips as he fisted the covers between his feminine fingers. The moonlight illuninated the tears that were slowly glistening their way down his cheeks. His usually styled hair was matted and had stuck up into strange angles. 

I heard the noise again. An ominous growling sound, like a wildcat yearning to be set free of it's restrictions. It hung in the air for a few seconds, followed by a dazzling slither of silver light. The room lit up like a lighbulb and the profile under the covers shuddered.

I advanced from the doorframe and padded softly over to the bed.

"Louis, is that you?" I wondered aloud.

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