7-Truth Or Dare

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Hiya everyone!

Seeing as its been so long since my last update (Oops, sorry please don't hate me!) I thought that I'd add a quick recap of the story so far...

"You've been down here for 15 minutes Harry. I thought that you might of fallen down the steps and became unconscious or something." His eyes shone with tears as he expressed his worry.

"Sorry. I really am. I got the torch but then started texting my sister and must've lost track of time or something. I promise I won't do it again okay?" 

"Good." Louis beamed. "But seeing as you made me scared for your life, I think that you owe me a piggy back ride to the lounge." 

He's still such a kid I thought to myself.

"Deal. It's the least I could I do. Hop on."

...Anyway, here's the next chapter.

P.S Don't get confused with the change of POV's halfway through the chapter!


Zayn's POV-

We waited in a semi-circle shape waiting for Harry to come back upstairs with a torch so that we could get on with a good old game of Truth or Dare.

After 15 minutes had passed, Louis had already managed to gnaw his fingernails down to little stumps out of sheer nervousness.

"I'm going down to see if Harry is okay." He stated before standing up, brushing down his chinos and leaving the room.

"They have a real bond already, don't they." Liam piped up; half asking half telling.

"Mmmhhhmm." I replied, hoping that the rest of us would soon follow in their footsteps.

I heard a few squeals from downstairs that I recognised to be Louis'. I guessed that he had found Harry then. A few seconds later, heavy footsteps trudged up from the basement and 2 boys appeared, one on the others back and both of them giggling hysterically.

"Took you long enough." I grumbled.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that." Apologised Harry. "But on a more positive note... I'VE FOUND THE TORCH!" He exclaimed.

"Yay!" The rest of the group chorused.


"Louis, truth or dare?" Liam asked the oldest of the group.

 After a moment what appeared to be deep thought, he replied, "Dare."

"I dare you to lick Niall's face."

 "Sure thing!" Said Louis as he leant over towards to Niall.

Niall cowered away, protesting that you couldn't just lick him without his permission.

"I can if it's a dare; which it is." Louis replied, "And I will." 

Niall screamed like a little girl as Louis' warm tongue licked a wet stripe up the left side of his face. He then got up out of the circle and sttprinted into the kitchen, returning with an anti-bacterial wipe and an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"Harry, truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Truth." he replied confidently.

"Is there anyone in this room who you find attractive?"

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