5-The Boys Arrive

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Louis' POV-

I woke up, not wanting to drag my eyes open. I sensed someone's arm around my waist. An arm that was too heavy to be a from a girl.

I reluctantly opened my eyes, looking down upon a mop of dark brown curls. Eyelashes were lining his cheekbones. He looked so innocent when he was asleep, like a child. I smiled down at him.


He surprised me by saying, "Don't think I didn't notice you staring at me BooBear."

I blushed crimson and hid my face in my hands.

Harry must've sensed my embarrassment because he added hurriedly, "I was just joking Boo. Don't go getting upset over it." He seemed genuinely worried about me.

"It's not your fault Haz," I told him, although I knew he still wouldn't believe me. "I just noticed how much you look like a little angel with your messy morning hair." I chuckled.

"Ah, I've been told." He replied matter or factly. "But seriously Lou, don't worry about it. I don't mind, honest!"

"Shit Harry, look at the time." I muttered.

"It's 11am, what about it?" He asked quizzically, pulling an adorable confused face.

I did my best to ignore his expression as I replied, "The rest of the boys, they'll be here in 45 minutes, if that!"


"You go on upstairs and jump in the shower Haz, once I've tidied down here, I'll get in the shower after you."

"Are you sure you don't need me to help?" Harry asked me politely.

I pretended to ponder my thoughts for a moment or so, before saying, "Nah, I'll be fine Curly, don't use up all of the hot water mind!"

"Okie dokies, I'll try not to," He joked right back.


Once I had finished cleaning the lounge and kitchen to return it to it's original state from before we arrived, I skipped over to the spiral staircase and made my way up it.

I stood outside the bathroom door for a moment, listening out to see if I could hear the shower running. I couldn't. So without really thinking, I pushed open the door, definitely not expecting the sight stood before me.

Harry was stood in front of the mirror admiring himself. I would usually find the situation rather amusing, seeing as this was how I met him. But this time he had a towel wrapped dangerously low around his waist, the rest of his body glistening with water droplets.

I gasped, heat rushing to my cheeks. I glanced back up at him and I noticed how toned his abs were. I nearly choked on my breath. Wow, was all I could think.

Snap out of it Louis.

Harry was a boy and so was I. It wasn't normal to react like this.

I wasn't normal.

"Oh, um...sorry!" I managed to squeak out, before rushing out of the bathroom.

I went into my own room and paced up and down. Why was I acting like this? I had been around boys many times before, yet none of them had caused me to turn the colour of beetroot if I had accidentally seen them in underwear. What was it about Harry that made this happen to me?

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