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" ugh wassup breezy? " I said with a dry voice

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" ugh wassup breezy? " I said with a dry voice. He was starting to disgust me bruh. This grown acting like a fucking child.

" why u actin the way u is? " he mugged me. " who fucking u better than me? " he grabbed my chin aggressively.

" nigga stop minding my business , why are u at my crib? " I said letting him in the house since the sun light was bothering me. He closed the door behind him looking around the house.

" u did all this? " he smiled rubbing his hand together licking his lips. " me and my cousin " I sat down on the couch tying my black Versace robe.

" oh shit right , I gotchu some advil " he waved the cvs bag in my face. I snatched the bag and grabbed my water bottle that was on the floor. " thanks " I mumbled putting the pill on my tongue then downing it with water.

" u welcome ma , u had fun last night huh? " he chuckled Sitting down next to me. 

" yeah I did , u came all the way to this side of town to ask me that? Bye " I shoved him face with my hand.

" Mmtch calm down , I was just tryna check up on u " he shrugged pulling me closer to him.  " u actin funny "

" I am not finna fuck u breezy , so move nigga " I mugged him as I got up and looked at him signaling for him to leave.

" who said anything bout that? I can't check up on u Kianna? Why u being difficult " he sat up pulling his jeans up.

" nigga since when u care about me ? " i rubbed my hot forehead. " wasn't u just down a bitch throat a week ago? " I sucked my teeth.

" I thought we got over that , and we ain't even inna relationship so it matter who I sleep with or kiss? " he raised his eyebrow. I scoffed at his comment. This lightskin hoe.

" bitc get out fore I stab u , u got some fucking nerve " I slapped him as hard as I could. " GET OUT " I yelled pointing towards the door.

" maneee u lucky u a female " he bucked at me before walking to the door and slamming it.

" WHAT IS THAT " savani yelled from upstairs.

" nothing " I said rubbing my head that was throbbing. I felt like I was about to throw up so I ran to the sink.

" oh my god , bitch u okay " savani ran to me tying her robe. " Ouu shit " she gagged looking at my throw up.

I hate the after math of Alcohol.

" why is u eating the chips girl?" I asked savani who was eating the chips before we even paid for em. 

" girl this is very much normal , I love doing this " she ate her Cheeto puffs.

" whatever , get that Rotel dip " I pointed at the dip. She bent down and grabbed it adding it to the cart.

" bitch what was that about earlier? " savani asked looking at me with a weird expression. " y'all was loud as fuck "

" I'm so done with his ass. He's such an old ass hoe " I rolled my eyes at the mention on him.

" glad u finally came to your senses " she smiled patting my back. " I'm proud of u sis "

" bitch please get out my face and let's go " I chuckled pushing the cart. " but forreal we over "

" I'll believe it when I see it , oh my god look at that cute kid " savani pointed at some lil lightskin boy with dreads. He didn't look no older then 3.

" what happened to ion like kids? " I smiled at the child before seeing that his momma was coming back.

" that don't mean ion think they ain't cute " she sucked her teeth smiling at the lil boy.

" my mommy said I can't talk to y'all " he stuck his tongue out at us. His mom looked so embarrassed.

" oh my gosh , I'm so sorry y'all , amiriah stop lyin and say hey " she grabbed his hand.

" hi " he kept it simple and short. " heyyy" me and savani said at the same time before walking away.

" that's a cute name " I said thinking about what the momma called him.

" ain't that shit unique? I was gone say sum but hm " she shrugged pulling the cart from the front into the frozen aisle.

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