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" why u come pick him up so late? " I asked Hakeem who looked tired

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" why u come pick him up so late? " I asked Hakeem who looked tired. Maybe if he stayed with me last night he wouldn't be tired.

" my bad , I had slept in and shit I had a long night last night , can I come in? " he asked walking into the house before I could even open the door all the way. So damn aggressive.

" he's In his room playing , he already dressed and stuff so " I shrugged looking up at him. He wasn't really looking but he was. " u good? U look sick " I said touching on his forehead. Ok he let me touch him.

" I went out last night and had a lil liquor , ima be good doe " he said looking down at me. His eyes were a normal color meaning he didn't smoke today. " oh okay " I said before moving my hand.

" u gone lemme get em? Orrr .. " he said moving back looking at me. " yeah u can go " I smiled following behind him. He opened the door to Riah's room and walked up to him.

" wassam lil folks " keem said to amiriah who was now smiling and putting his arms up so his dad could pick him up. Keem did just that playing with his dreads. " we finna go? " Riah asked laying on his shoulder looking at me who was standing by the door watching them. I just want my family back.

" yeah we finna go to my house , what else u wanna do? " keem let out a raspy voice. The voice alone made me wet. " the pawk " Riah said lifting his head up to look at his daddy.

" Igh cmon we finna go to the 'pawk' " keem said copying him. I chuckled watching them now looking at me. " mommy me leavinggggg " Riah dragged. " bye bye Riah " I said pulling him from his dad and hugging and kissing him.  " bye mommyyyy " he grabbed him das hand walking away.

" bye Hakeem " I smiled waving at him from behind. He turned around with a smile but it looked tired. If I was his girl he would never be tired. " bye Kiara " he nodded before walking out the door hand in hand with riah. 


" girl the fuck is u nervous for? It's just a child " Kianna giggled

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" girl the fuck is u nervous for? It's just a child " Kianna giggled. " he ain't gone bite .. wait no he might cuz kids be looking like no good David some of the time " she said with her hand on her chin.

" oh gawd shut up girl , and I doubt a son of Hakeem look anything like no good David. " I said taking out a pack of gum before officially getting in my car. " ok ... ok " I said taking deep breaths. I had to meet his son today if me and Hakeem were gonna continue dating. Or "talking".

" girl you'll be fine that lil chile ain't gone do nun , have fun boo " she blew a kiss before walking back into the house. I sucked my teeth then proceeded to turn the car on and lay some music before driving off.

Shit get crazy day by day , infront of my momma slam my drac , if we go down she ain't gone say. U rather die when this shit gone down get out my face.


" Hiii Amir'iah?" I said looking at him Stand infront of me and his dad. We was on some dusty ass bench. " hey daddy's girlfriend " he smirked looking at his daddy then at me. Oh.

" how old are u? Yo hair so long " I said looking at his long locs that's damn near covered his face. " I'm three " he held up 3 fingers. I smiled at his intelligence.

Bitch any 3 year old know they three cmon now savani. I thought to myself.

" well u can go play , we'll talk some more later " I said watching him run back to the park as his dad watched his every move. I've never seen Hakeem this focused.

" y'all look just alike " I said now looking at Hakeem who looked mighty tired. " shit I know , that's my twin" he smiled twisting his locs looking at me and glancing at his son from time to time.

" and he gotta lil accent just like u , that's definitely yo twin .. u still getting a dna test? " I looked down at my nails that needed to be done immediately. " probably not. Lil folks look just like me ion need no fuckin paper" he said scrunching his face up.

" boy what is u doing allat for? Like okay " I said now scrunching my face up. Lowkey just blew me. " uh you know what I got business to do so I'll see u somewhere " I said getting up from the bench pulling my dress down and dusting myself off.

" Mmtch see look at chu , always running from yo problems. U could've just told me what was bothering u " he grabbed my wrist trying to pull me back. I really did have business to do.

" I'm not running from nothing , I just got stuff to do and u clearly have a fuckin attitude bout a fuckin question. It was a simple question and u scrunching yo face up and shit. No fuck you " I said before pulling my wrist out of his grasp and walking to my car. The last thing I heard from him was a sigh.

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