Thirty nine

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" I stabbed them motherfucking tires , I needed a reason to talk to her and I wanted to see her stomach from up close but I fucked up cause when I was bending down the knife slipped out and I know she ain't Dumb " I explained to my brother.

" u crazy for offering to help after fucking her shit up , she look any different then the last time u seen her? " he raised his eyebrow scooping out some ice cream.

" her belly look bigger , she still fine as fuck still thick as fuck she just a bit fuller like her titties bigger and shit " I leaned on the counter drinking my pimp juice.

" nigga ion wanna know allat give me little to no details " he side eyed me eating the ice cream he just scooped.

" bitch u the one who asked I wouldn't be telling u shit if u ain't ask " I scrunched my face up at his comment.

" well what u finna do now nigga? It sound to me like she finna have them babies and shit sheon need yo ass why u still bothering shawty " he leaned on the counter.

" them my kids , that's my family and okay maybe I fucked up but it ain't shit I can't fix , I just gotta talk to her and apologize and shit ion want my kids growing up without they daddy they don't needa be like me " I smacked my teeth feeling as if I was opening up.

Opening up makes u look weak and vulnerable in my opinion.

" u making it sound like it's easy , niggas don't just plot on females and basically be inna fake relationship with em to trap they asses that ain't some shit u see everyday nigga " he finished his bowl of ice cream.

" man hush , making me sound crazy and shit just let me figure this shit out " I smacked my teeth rubbing my forehead.

I need savani , look at me. I look sick my eyes look crazy I'm always sleeping I barely eat and I'm drinking on this bullshit man I need her ass like crazy.

" and put that cup down bro , u fucking yo self up more " he shrugged before walking out the kitchen.

I thought about his words a bit before finishing the rest of my drink then washing the cup out , then plopping on the couch since I had nothing else to do.

My life boring ain't shit interesting bout it but the fact I got twins on the way that I can't even see and I got a son that I don't even go see.

I'll admit I'm wrong for not going to see him but ion wanna be around him while I'm like this and his momma be tripping forreal , I gotta be better for him and my other kids.

I wanna settle down , have a family and get married but shit the way life looking it don't even look like ima make it to thirty.

A nigga ain't got no motivation , no support nobody to talk to and the only female I want won't even look or speak to me.


" nigga wake up , who the fuck this is at the door? " I felt my chest get tapped repeatedly causing me to wake up out my slumber.

" man don't tap me like that , fuck is u tammat nigga? " I hopped out the bed making sure my gun was on my waist and followed behind him to the door.

" he said he yo friend or sum shit ion know " he shrugged opening the door revealing Maury lightskin ass.

" wassup nigga , u look a mess " Maury chuckled then pushed me out the way walking into my house with some white grocery bags.

" nigga fuck you , how u even find my location? Ain't seen yo ass in months " I rubbed my chest before slamming the door unintentionally.

" I got ways nigga , just like yo crazy ass do " he chuckled taking out some fruit juices and all kinds fruits.

" mhm whatever fuck u got all this shit at my crib for? " I walked into the kitchen watching go through my cabinets.

" u going on a detox my nigga Ian finna let u die on me bruh , u gotta stop this lean shit " he grabbed the bottle of lean he poured it all into the sink.

" nigga u crazy as fuck " I tried to grab it from him but it was already gone down the drain.

" naw nigga that you , fuck wrong witchu? Why u drinking this shit? U really that fucked up? " he threw the empty bottle in the trash then grabbed some ginger from the bag as well.

" man ion wanna hear all that " I smacked my teeth rubbing my stomach which was throbbing.

" and u hungry? Thats good the shit gone work better since u ain't eat today .. matter fact do u eat any day? " he looked me up and down.

" ion be hungry , yo big ass Showl is eating tho " I tried to be funny all though he wasn't big.

" nigga shutup yo ass do be hungry u just don't eat and bitch I ain't fat a nigga just happy " he shrugged cutting up some ginger.

" man whatever , u finna make me eat this shit? Ion eat ginger and ion drink this kinda juice " I shrugged walking into the living room to go back to sleep.

" u eating this shit my nigga! I'm tryna heal u bruh " he yelled as if I wasn't right there.

" stop yelling in my crib " I covered my ears since there we're ringing now.

" I wasn't even loud.. whatever nigga here " he walked into the living room with some juice and some slices of ginger.

" Mmtch " I smacked my teeth before sitting up grabbing the cup and the ginger cloves.

As much as I don't wanna admit it I really appreciate him coming to give me this at least somebody care bout a nigga.

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