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Hyun-ji hesitantly unfoldede the paper on which Ji-ahn wrote 'I'm not the type of person for whom you are  looking for. We are total opposites. You'll only get annoyed and frustated. And if you still want to friends with me then......We'll give it a try.'
As soon as Hyun-ji read the note she raised her head to find Ji-ahn was leaving from there. She rushed to her. As Hyun-ji was taking her steps forward she halted at her spot as she felt a pair of hands wrapping around her shoulders "Thank you" a firm voice was echoed in her ears and it was none other than her benchmate Hyun-ji. Hyun-ji slowly pulled back her hands setting Ji-ahn free. As bell rang they both looked at each other and in no time Hyun-ji again gripped Ji-ahn's wrist and dragged her to their classroom. While once again Ji-ahn was just looking at her dumbfounded.
As they reached in their classroom they took their seats and soon proffesor entered all the students greeted him and the proffesor then proceded with his lecture.
At break time

All the students rushed out from their classes as it was their break time now. While Hyun-ji took out her tiffin box and slided it towards Ji-ahn. Ji-ahn just looked at "Now you can't say no. And remember we're now friends so I can even scold you if you'll not have your meal on time or even if you'll skip any." Hyun-ji said in her dominant voice. Ji-ahn just chuckled and looked at the other side. And suddenly Hyun-ji turned her face again towards her and the next moment Ji-ahn's mouth was full of some food which was fed by Hyun-ji (forcefully). Ji-ahn wasn't even chewing that she just kept staring at Hyun-ji. And soon soft giggles were heard it was Hyun-ji who just admired her new weired friend and couldn't help but just giggled seeing her helpless state. As days passed by both of their bond grew stronger and irreplaceable.

After a year

Ji-ahn just took her shower before going to bed. She was busy drying her hair when her phone rang. A frown appeared on her face seeing the caller ID she picked up the call "Hello?" "Hello Ji-ahn where are you two till now? It's already so late. And tell Hyun-ji I want her at home within 15 minutes." Ji-ahn just listened Mr. Park quietly and a strange fear was building within her. As she was never there with Hyun-ji all day long. But uncle....she wasn't with me. When did she left the house?" " You're kidding right? Today it was your birthday and Hyun-ji told me she was going to surprise you. D-didn't she came to your place?" Ji-ahn was all silent which scared Mr.Park even more
"Uncle you try to talk to her other friends" I tried when you were not picking up the call" "Uncle. Meet me at police station quick." And Mr.Park now knew what she meant Ji-ahn hung up the call and and hurried to the police station.

After 10 mins

It was 10:30 at night now. As Mr. Lee's  (one of the head staff of the police station) was leaving the police station early today because it was her daughter's birthday and wanted to reach home early to surprise her . As he was about to leave a girl came running and stopped right infront of him panting with heavy breaths. "Sir. Sir my friend is missing I want to file a complain." "My shift is over now I can't do anything. Wait until Mr.Jeon comes and tell him whatever happened." He said coldly and was about to leave when "But someone's life might be in danger how can you do this?" " Don't teach me what I should do you little kid. And get off my way." He said and passed by her. She couldn't believe how a cop can do this she turned back and took her steps towards him still trying to convince him for help " S-sir sir please try to understan-" she was cut off when inspector turned back to her glaring and said "How old is your friend?" " 20" "When was the last time you contacted her?" She isn't picking up any calls since past 4 hours." she answered as a little hope was ignited within her thinking the inspector would help her out now but she didn't knew what was actually waiting for her... "So your friend is adult now. She isn't picking up any calls. Well...who knows if she would have ran with someone. It's already late night who knows if she would be with any boy having fun. And if any of this is the outcome then all our efforts will go in vain. Just wait till tomorrow morning and if she doesn't returns then come and file a complai-" Inspector didn't completed his statement as Ji-ahn tried to grab his collar but the other constables stopped her holding on her tightly "Who you think you are to speak anything like that about her huh? What you think of yourself? It's really shameful to have cops like you in this department. You bloody Fuc-" as she about to curse him she got a tight slay on her cheeks and now there was pin drop silence atmosphere turned cold "Know your limits and be in them. The whole department is the same. where you think you are even living huh?" He said and pushed her hard due to which her body wasn't able to balance and bumped into someone. She quickly backed off and was about to apologise when her eyes met Mr.Park's teary eyes. She balanced herself and was about to say something when Mr.Park said "I know. I've seen everything." As a tear made it's way out of his eyes. U-uncle try to keep an hold we will do something." She said trying to give him some hope. " When will the other inspector arrive?" She asked one of the constables standing there. " Shift is there at 12:00 so Mr.Jeon will come at 12:00. Don't Mr.Jeon is unlike them he will surely help you out as soon as possible. She just chuckled hearing that as Mr.Lee's words echoed in her mind. 
"Whole department is the same"
"Where you think you are living huh?"
She turned back to Mr.Park as he Signaled her to leave

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