The Secret Room

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How do little girls view their father? Girls crave and cherish the emotional and physical affection of their fathers. Girls who receive love and protection from their fathers, grow up to adore their fathers. They find safety and warmth in their arms. Fathers not only shields their daughters. They also guide them in important matters. Fathers are role models, influencing their daughter's views on careers, financial strains, and relationships. The more good connection a father has with his daughter, the better choices she makes regarding her self-worth. Statistically, it was found that girls whose fathers regularly showed affection did better in their lives.

Although Sneha managed to overcome some very difficult times, she sometimes wished her parents were there with her. The orphanage managed her schooling and although she didn't have friends, she was still okay with it but her days in medical college and as an intern were extremely tough. It wasn't just the studies that were hard. It was also the competitive behavior of the students around her. Sneha's upfront nature was also disliked by many.

Moreover many did not prefer to hang around someone who had no family. At the beginning of the year, she did manage to make friends but later on, everyone ignored her.  Some people would casually pass remarks on her behavior stating that the absence of her parents made her unruly. Not having friends didn't bother her much but the sarcastic remarks hurt her. Some girls would even post many things online making fun of her. The methods the mean girls applied to pull her down upset her. There were times she would sit in the hostel bed, cover the blanket all over her head, and cry for hours. These were also the times when she wished her parents her by her side.

During her childhood, after coming back from school often she would complain a lot to her father about the kids who pushed her. Her father would call and complain to the school the next day even though sometimes her mother would try to stop him. However, now there wasn't anyone who would do this for her. Now it seemed like she would have to face the cruel world alone. It took her time but she finally managed to keep her head high and continue her work. She did not want anything to stop her from giving her dead father justice.

It had been almost a week but she couldn't find the room where old patient records were kept. A lot of people would find it weird if she asked about it but Sneha managed to get past saying that it was for her research purpose. However, with every day passing she felt annoyed that she couldn't do anything about it. The other thing that bothered her was the strict rules in the hospital. Now they all had to give their cellphones to the receptionist before going to their designated work area. They were only allowed to use landline phones in case of any family emergency. Those who carried cell phones were asked to resign. 

Sneha couldn't help but notice how many were still using cellphones despite the change in rules and many of them weren't asked to leave—particularly the senior doctors who she thought were pets of Dr Krishna. Moreover, she saw more cameras and security guards moving around in corridors. Some would casually walk into the wards too. Fortunately, the labor room where she worked was spared of this. Her duties were also hectic as often there were days when there would be a delivery every 15 minutes. There were times when she assisted in two deliveries at the same time as well.  The patients mostly here were middle class. Not many rich patients preferred normal labor. 

Those delivering for the first time would take a lot of time to deliver a child despite all assistance. It wasn't an easy process. First, the patients are induced, and then the doctors wait. Those delivering a child for the first time, don't deliver quickly. Until the child is delivered, the doctor monitors contractions and the heart rate of the unborn baby. Sometimes the heart rate of the unborn child begins to fall and then it becomes important for doctors to decide after consulting the family members of the pregnant patient. Often emergency cesarean is done to save the child in time. 

With her duties, at one point she thought she couldn't find anything until she overheard a senior doctor asking a nurse to bring a file of a patient from an old files room.  Sneha couldn't help but grab the opportunity. Using the washroom as an excuse she decided to follow the nurse.  She knew that something went wrong and perhaps the file wouldn't probably provide solid proof in court but she needed to know what exactly happened that day.

The nurse went inside the elevator and Sneha did the same. It was then that she realized something. She was carrying a patient's file in her right hand. She was in such a hurry that she forgot to keep it back.  Although she felt upset about doing something like this she was glad the elevator was filled with many people inside. This way the nurse wouldn't realize that she was following her. 

She waited until she saw the nurse stepping out on the first floor. Although she did walk out quickly behind her, she stopped for a minute just until the nurse walked a few distance ahead. She didn't want the nurse to suspect her. Slowly without making much sound, she followed the nurse in front of her.  They passed through the ICUs on the floor. One was just an intensive care unit, others were pediatric for kids, neonatal for babies, and the last one was surgical for surgery patients.

'Nobody told me that old files were on this floor!' Thought Sneha as she narrowed her eyes while following the nurse before her.

'This would mean only one thing. Only a few people were told certain details and definitely, this was to keep certain things under wrap' 

Sneha was surprised that not many security guards were on this floor.  She saw only one man standing all through her way, looking around and watching everyone. Clutching the file closer to her chest she walked, trying her best to look unafraid or nervous. All these days, she wasn't nervous but today she was anxious. She didn't want this to be reflected in her personality.

The nurse finally stopped in front of a grey door. She removed a key from her pocket and inserted it inside the lock. She stood watching her from afar. For all she knew she may not get this chance again. She quickened her pace as the nurse walked inside. 

Fortunately, the nurse didn't close the door and kept it slightly open. Sneha took complete advantage of this situation and walked inside. To her surprise, the room was almost dark. The only light that came was from the gap the nurse kept open. She strained her eyes and looked around. There were brown cupboards against the walls, and on either side of the door were shelves that had glass on the front. In front of her and in the middle of the room were several wooden chest drawer cabinets one after the other in rows. The nurse who had gone inside was right in front of her checking some files and papers in the first drawer. Sneha stood behind her. 

'This will probably take a long time for me to check! Will it be right for me to stay here now?' Thought Sneha as her eyes went back to the door.

'Who is there inside?' 

A shout from outside suddenly startled her. The nurse quickly turned back and looked at her shocked. Clutching the file closer to her face, Sneha turned and quickly ran out.  She could see two security guards running from the ICU towards her. She couldn't understand how she could end up this quickly in such a situation.

'Is this the end for me now?' Thought nervously as she watched the security guards run towards her.

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