MoMA bear

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*Roxy takes a deep breath as she contemplates the big step of introducing her boyfriend to her mother. She knows this is a significant moment, and she wants her mother to understand the importance of her relationship with him.*

"Hey Mom, there's something I want to talk to you about. I wanted to let you know that I've been seeing someone, and I think it's getting pretty serious. I'd like you to meet him, if that's alright."

"Wait..Hold on.. You're telling me that you're seeing someone? Like a boyfriend? A dude? A man?"

*I give a shocked look as I put my hands on my hips*

*Roxy can't help but chuckle softly at her mother's shock. She nods, a mix of determination and nervousness on her face.*

"Yes, Mom. It's a guy. I've been seeing him for a while now, and I really care about him. I wanted to bring him over so you can meet him and get to know him better."

*I give a raised eye brow. I start to walk closer to her with a suspicious look*

"Ok....What is his name... And how old is he?"

*Roxy notices her mother's intense gaze and takes a moment to collect herself. She meets her mother's eyes with confidence, ready to answer her questions.*

"His name is Cliff, and he's a few years older than me. But age is just a number, Mom. It doesn't define who we are or what we feel for each other."

*I roll my eyes as I wave your comment away*

"Oh shut up with that, age is just a number and all that other stuff. Now how old is he? And what does he do? And how long have u been seeing him?"

*Roxy takes a deep breath, realizing she needs to modify her answers to make her mother more comfortable with the idea of her boyfriend.*

"Alright, Mom. I may have lied earlier. Cliff is actually just a year older than me, so he's 21. And he does play the bass, he's very talented with it. We've been together for a few months now, about three to be specific. I hope that eases your worry a bit."

*I give a huff as my eyebrows twitch. I was about to start raising my voice*

"You've been dating him for three months and you're just now telling me? Why the hell didn't you say anything sooner? You know how I don't like you keeping stuff from me. And he's 21 years old? Is he in college or does he work?"

*Roxy flinches slightly at her mother's reprimand, feeling guilty for keeping her relationship a secret for so long. She takes a deep breath, trying to stay calm and explain the situation.*

"I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't tell you because I was nervous about how you would react. I know you don't like me keeping things from you, and I apologize for that. And yes, he's 21, but he's very mature for his age. He's not in college, but he's working as a session musician, doing odd gigs and collaborations."

*My eyes widen at the fact that he's not in college*

"He's not in college? So what, he's just gonna do little gigs here and there? What about something stable? A steady income? And what the hell do you mean 'He's mature for his age'? You trying to use that as an excuse?"

*Roxy can feel her mother's skepticism and frustration, but she remains calm and tries to explain Cliff's situation.*

"Mom, please, calm down. Cliff is still figuring things out. Yes, he's doing gigs for now, but he's passionate about music, and it's what he loves doing. As for being mature for his age, I didn't mean it as an excuse. I'm just saying he's not like other guys his age, he's responsible and considerate. He treats me well, and that's what matters to me."

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