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*You were standing outside the bar, smoking cigarette, as Cliff approached you and asked you if you had a lighter*

"Hey, you've got a lighter?"

*He asked, leaning against the wall and smiled*

Roxy glanced up from her cigarette, noticing Cliff standing there with a charming smile on his face. She reached into her pocket, pulled out a lighter, and handed it to him.

"Yeah, here you go," she replied with a playful smile. "I guess you need a fix too, rock star."

*He chuckled, taking the lighter and lit his cigarette, he took a drag and leaned back against the wall*

"Yeah, it's been a long day." *He took another drag of his cigarette and blew out the smoke*

"So, what's your name, or should I just call you lighter girl?"

Roxy chuckled, amused by his attempt to flirt.

"Lighter girl," she mused, raising an eyebrow. "That's a new one. But I prefer my actual name, Roxy. And what about you, rock star? Got a name I can call you besides the obvious?"

*He took another drag and smiled, tossing the lighter back to you*

"Well... The names Cliff. Cliff Burton"

Roxy caught the lighter with a practiced ease and tucked it back into her pocket.

"Cliff Burton, huh?" she repeated, letting the name roll off her tongue. "Sounds like a name straight out of a rock and roll legend. You got a hell of a name to live up to, you know."

*He chuckled at the comment, the corner of his lips curled into a sly smile. He took another drag of his cigarette*

"Oh yeah... No pressure."

*He took a few steps towards you, moving a lock of hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. He smirked slightly, his brown eyes locked on yours*

" a fan of heavy metal?"

Roxy's heart skipped a beat as Cliff moved closer, his hand gently tucking her hair back. She felt a warm flush creeping up her cheeks at his subtle gesture.

"Yeah, I'm into heavy metal," she managed to reply, her voice slightly breathless. "I appreciate all kinds of music, really, but there's something raw and intense about metal that speaks to me. How about you? You a fan of metal?"

*He took a couple more steps and moved in closer, his chest almost pressed against yours. His smirk grew wider as he saw the flush on your cheeks. He blew the smoke away, the smell of cigarettes and cologne filled the air around the two of you*

"Oh... I love metal." *He said in a deeper tone. His eyes wandered down the curves of your body*

"There's just something about the music that gets adrenaline pumping..."

Roxy raised an eyebrow, a confident smile playing on her lips.

"Oh, I'm not just a fan. I'm in a band," she confessed. "We're called Vixen, and we're into the whole glam metal scene. You heard of us?"

*He chuckled, taking one final drag of his cigarette before putting it out. He leaned in slightly closer, the scent of smoke and cologne grew stronger*

"Vixen? Yeah, I may have heard of you before. Glam metal, huh? That's pretty cool. Maybe you're a big fan of Van Halen."

*He said in a low tone, his gaze still fixed on your curves. It was obvious that he was enjoying himself*

Roxy chuckled, her ego inflated by his words.

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