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*Roxy chuckles softly as she feels Cliff's warm embrace around her, his sleepy mutterings bringing a smile to her face. She gently runs her fingers through his messy morning hair, enjoying the closeness they share.*

"I wasn't planning on moving, I promise. Go back to sleep, sleepyhead."

*Cliff's body fully relaxes as he feels your fingers in his messy hair. He lets out a soft sigh of relief as he pulls you closer.. almost like he was scared you'd leave. He leans into your touch softly before mumbling*

"I don't wanna go back to sleep.. I just wanna look at you.." *He says as his eyes slightly open*

*Roxy feels a warm flutter in her heart at Cliff's words. She looks down at him, his soft gaze making her feel treasured and cherished. She gently brushes a strand of hair away from his eyes, letting her fingers linger on his cheek.*

"Then don't. Just lay there and look at me all you want. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

*Cliff's expression softens as he looks up at you.. he closes his eyes gently as he feels your fingers on his cheek .. he felt so safe with you .. he loved the way you stroked his cheek .. he gently grabs your hand gently as he pulls It closer and planting a soft kiss on your hand*

"You are so beautiful.." *He says.. his voice a little raspy*

*Roxy's heart skips a beat as Cliff's lips press against her hand. She feels a rush of warmth and affection wash over her, and a soft blush spreads across her cheeks.*

"And you're so adorable when you're half-asleep," she replies with a fond smile. "Especially when you're all clingy and needy like this."

*Cliff lets out a scoff/chuckle as he gives a small pout .. a small light blush appearing on his face*

"I am NOT needy.. I'm just clingy .. besides.. you like it when I'm clingy.."

*He mutters as he pulls you onto of him .. he liked having you on top of him ..*

*Roxy lets out a small giggle as Cliff pulls her on top of him, the weight of her body on his making her feel even closer to him. She looks down at him with a playful gleam in her eyes, enjoying his clingy nature.*

"Oh, so you're admitting that you're clingy, are you? Well, I guess you're right. I do like it when you're clingy. It makes me feel like you can't get enough of me."

*Cliff gives a cocky smile as he moves his hands onto your hips softly as he looks up at you.. his sleepy eyes looking at you lovingly .. he had been completely honest with that statement.. he is so clingy .. and you weren't complaining ..*

"You'd be right.. I can't get enough of you.. not enough of that pretty face of yours.. not enough of your lips.. not enough of your body.."

*He mutters as he looks lustfully at your body*

*Roxy feels a mix of excitement and anticipation as Cliff's eyes roam over her body, and a shiver of desire runs down her spine. She leans down, her lips hovering just above his, her breath mingling with his.*

"Is that so? And what do you plan on doing about that, Mr. Clingy?" she teases, her voice a seductive purr.

*Cliff's grip on your hips tighten as he looks at your lips as his breathing gets a bit heavier as he looks at your lips.. he so badly just wanted to kiss them.. but he would hold off for a second as he pulls you closer with a smirk*

"I don't know.. but I could think of a few things.." *He mutters*

*Roxy feels her heart race as Cliff pulls her closer, the heat in his gaze sending a rush of desire through her body. She leans in just a bit closer, her lips mere millimeters from his.*

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