Keep me warm forever-Natsu x Reader

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Your P.O.V.

"S-st-stupid G-gray." I shivered.

The two of you just fought and he might have accidentally froze you and, since Natsu wasn't there it took a while to unfreeze you. Gray felt really bad because you looked kind of blue. Also, you were sneezing and everyone thought you had a cold. Gray offered to take you home and make some soup or something for you but you just mumbled a few curse words at him and left. The whole way home you were shivering, sneezing, and coughing. Everyone on the streets avoided you like the plague. And, to be honest, it felt like maybe that's what you had. 

"F-f-finally..." I mumbled as I opened my apartment door, as soon as I opened the door I fell. But someone caught me, I looked up and saw Natsu, worry sketched across his face.

"N-n-nat-Natsu... w-what are you d-d-doing here..."

"Well, I came to see you, when you didn't answer I just came through the window. I was about to leave when you opened the door and fell. What happened?"

He picked me up bridal style and set me down on the couch, as soon as he sat down I explained it to him and he clenched his fists. "Gray that bastard! I'll kill him!" he got up and walked toward the window then stopped and look at me with a small, concerned smile. "But first I need to take care of you."

He lit a fire in the fireplace and carried me over to it. Then he went a grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"I'll be right back," he said and walked towards the kitchen.

A few minutes later he came out with a steaming bowl of ramen.

"Here you go." he smiled and I blushed. 'what's this feeling I get whenever he smiles...?'

I fumbled with the spoon a little until I dropped it in my lap. Natsu looked a little worried, then he took the spoon out of my lap and sat in front of me.

"Say ahhh." he said.

"W-what? why?"

"W-well... you gotta eat it, it'll help, and you seem to be having trouble s-so..." he blushed a little

'Wait, what!? Natsu BLUSHED!?'

"O-ok... but do I have to say ahh?"

Right when I said that he shoved the spoon into my mouth. I coughed for a minute then blushed slightly, so did Natsu.

"S-sorry..." he stuttered.

"It's o-o-okay. Just scared me is all..."

After I finished the soup Natsu took the bowl in the kitchen and sat next to me.

"Are you still cold?" he asked, I nodded slightly, then he pulled me into his chest and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt hey rush to my cheeks and when I looked up I saw that Natsu was red too.

Natsu's P.O.V.

"Are you still cold?" I asked her, she nodded.

'Oh, crap... what do I do... OH! I know.'

I pulled her close to my chest and laid her head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but blush. She looked up at me and I saw that she was red too.

'Her lips are still kind of blue...' I thought to myself. 'What can I do to fix that... OH! I know!'

"N-Natsu..." she stutters, "W-what are you d-doing?"

Your P.O.V.

Natsu closed his eyes and leans in.

"N-Natsu... W-what are you d-doing."

"Your lips," he said, they're blue, like ice, I'm gonna fix that. I'm gonna warm you up." he smiled and the smashed his lips against mine.

I tensed a bit then relaxed. It wasn't a rough kiss but it wasn't soft either. It was... perfect. Gentle, warm, but full of passion and love. 

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan?" he said


"I love you!" he smiled and my heart melted.

"I love you too! I'm hey... Natsu..."


"W-will you k-keep me warm f-forever?"

Natsu gave his heart melting smile, hugged me closer to his warm body and whispered, "Yes. Forever and always." into my ear.

With that, I smiled too and we cuddled in front of the fire together for the rest of the night. 

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