You're not Weak-Bickslow x reader

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Your P.O.V.

"WAIT UP!" I called.

I ran after the Thunder Legion. We had just finished a mission and I got hurt so we had to stay there for a while. (Much to their dismay) Now we were on our way to another hotel for the night. They always leave me behind though. Laxus tells me I'm way too weak to be part of this team, which he's probably right, the only reason I'm in this group is because bickslow insists. 

"No, you get faster!" Laxus yelled.

"Aww, look at her though!" Bickslow yelled, "She's just so cute. Hey Laxus, she should be our mascot!"

"That's all she would be good for." Evergreen laughed.

Bickslow stopped walking so I could catch up to him.

"Come on." He said crouching down. "Get on my back."

"W-what? Why?" I stuttered.

"Do you wanna get left behind?" He asked me.

"left behind, left behind." His babies chanted.

"*sigh* no." I climbed up on his back and he ran after the Thunder Legion at a fast pace causing me to grip his shoulders tighter.

---------------le time skip---------------

We had made it to the hotel. Although, I had a slight problem...

"U-um... Guys..." I said.

"What?!" Laxus looked angry.

"I... Uh...  Oh... I lost my wallet..."

"Well, then you're sleeping outside tonight," Evergreen said and Laxus agreed. I looked at Freed for help but he just turned away. I sighed and began walking towards the door when I felt a hand grab my shoulder.

"Naw, you can stay in a room with me. Wouldn't want you catching a cold," Bickslow said, grabbing my hand. I couldn't help but blush. I mean I've liked Bickslow for a while, and now I get to stay in a hotel room with him? I might die.

"Hey, are you okay? your face is really red." Bickslow placed a hand on my forehead. "It's hot too. See guys? She's sick, she can't sleep outside. She's already got a cold and that'll just make it worse. Let's go," He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his room.

"B-Bickslow..." I stuttered. "I can w-"

"Shush," he said, cutting me off.

He walked into the room and plopped me on the bed then pulled the covers over me.

"T-thanks..." I stuttered.

"You're welcome. I'll be back." He started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go get you some dinner, try and get a little sleep," and with that, he left.

'He is really sweet.'

---------------le time skip---------------

Bickslows P.O.V.

I walked into the hotel room to see (Y/n) asleep. 'she's cute when she's sleeping.' I placed my helmet on a desk then walked over to her.

"Hey." I poked her face. "I come bearing food. Wake up."

"Hmmmmmm..." she sat up and her hair was a wreck and she was drooling a little.

"Well don't you look beautiful." I teased.

"Shut up..." she mumbled.

"Here." I tossed her a hamburger.

"I'm not hungry." she laid back down to go to sleep.

"Eat it or I'll make your soul one of my babies." I joked.

She quickly sat up and ate the burger at Natsu speed.

"Hey," she said and I looked at her. She was even redder than before.

"Are you okay?" I felt her forehead again but she just moved my hand.

"U-um..." she stuttered. "I, uh... I just noticed that... that there is o-only one bed..." She became even redder. I looked around and saw that what she said was true. But I just shrugged.

"I hope you don't mind then." I took my shirt off and she looked down. I laughed at her awkwardness. I climbed into bed next to her and pulled the covers over the both of us.

"G-gomen..." she said, and then she started to cry.

Your P.O.V.

"G-gomen..." I stuttered and began to cry. I don't know why but, I feel like I can let out my emotions around Bickslow.

"F-for what?" he sounded shocked

"F-for being s-so w-weak..."

Everything was quiet for a moment. But then Bickslow did something really unexpected. He pulled me close so that I was pressed up against his bare chest. He put his mouth right up against my cheek.

"You're not weak," he said in a serious tone.

"B-but La-"

"I don't care what Laxus says. You're. Not. Weak. The fact that you can put up with Laxus and Evergreen constantly telling you that you are, prove that you have the strongest will of any of us. So you are not weak."

I was trying to hold back more tears but I couldn't, all the anger and sadness and misery I felt since I joined the Thunder legion, I let it all out right there in the form of tears with Bickslow comforting me saying that everything is going to be okay. Eventually, I fell asleep.

---------------le time skip------------

Bickslow's P.O.V.

I woke up to pounding on the door. (y/n) was still asleep. I walked over to the door only to see the thunder legion.

"Come one Bickslow we are leaving," Laxus said

"Bickslow... what's going on..." I heard (Y/n) mumble.

"Nothing babe!"

"Babe?" Evergreen asked, "Don't tell me you actually LIKE that weakling." She laughed.

I grabbed her shirt collar and lifted her off the ground a little. Freed gasped.

"DON'T talk about her that way!"

"Okay okay!" she screeched and I dropped her.

Laxus sighed. "Just get (Y/n) and let's go."

"Naw we'll catch up, I wanna have some fun with her!" I laughed then closed the door.

Feed's P.O.V.

"Naw we'll catch up, I wanna have some fun with her!" Bickslow laughed. then he closed the door.

"B-Bickslow!" I heard (Y/n) screech. "BICKSLOW! AHHH! STOP! AHAHA!"

I blushed think about what Bickslow was doing to her.

"Freed! let's go!" Laxus snapped.


Then we continued our journey to magnolia leaving (Y/n) and Bickslow behind.

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