Rufus x Reader

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Your P.O.V.

"I can't do it!!!" I yelled as I slumped onto the ground and pouted.

"I have no memory of you ever giving up like this (Y/n)." Rufus sighed and sat down next to me. "Its rather pathetic." I use fire magic but I'm not very good. Because of his memory make Rufus can use fire magic so he's helping me because he's the only one who can use that element.

"It's just too hard!" I whined and laid down in the grass. I began rolling around like a child and complaining about my life.

"Get up and try one more time." Rufus encouraged.

"But I already told you I caaaaaan't!" Rufus just sighed very loudly and got up. 

"It's getting late, we should probably go home." He stretched his hand out to me. "Come on, I'll walk you to your apartment."

"You will?" I asked as he helped me up.

"If my memory serves me correctly, which it always does, your house is on the way to mine."

"O-okay." I said and followed Rufus while pulling grass out of my hair. The whole walk there he was talking about fire magic and how I need to get up early and meet him in the exact same place tomorrow. We finally made it to my place and I spotted a piece of bright orange paper stuck to my door.

"No no no no no no no!" I yelled and used my free hand to get all of my hair out of my face.

"Whats wrong?" Rufus asked.

"I was kicked out!" I sighed and slid down the door. I handed Rufus the paper and buried my head between my knees. "I thought I had at least another month! Where am I gonna stay!?"

Rufus' P.O.V.

 "Where am I gonna stay!?" (Y/n) shouted. 'Oh no. Please dont ask please dont ask please dont a-'

"Would you let me stay with you?" I looked at (Y/n) and saw she was sort of grinning.

"Please!~" She purred and got really close to my face. I felt heat rush to my cheeks. She had the biggest puppy dog eyes and, to be honest, it was adorable.

"F-fine." I mumbled and looked away. "But only for one night!"

"Yay!" She hugged me really tight. "Thank you!"


---------------le time skip brought to you by the number 8---------------

Your P.O.V.

We got to Rufus' house and he opened the door.

"Thanks again for letting me stay with you." I said sweetly.

"I'll remember that you owe me." He replied plainly as he walked in. I sweatdropped. 

"I know you will." I followed him. He closed the door and sat down on the couch.

"Come on." He patted the spot next to him. "Might as well use this opportunity for educational purposes." Great..... I sat down next to him and he turned on the television. He scrolled through his recordings until he came across one called 'The history of fire magic.' This should be fun....

---------------another time skip---------------

Rufus' P.O.V.

"See it shouldn't be that ha-" I was interrupted by snoring. "YOU FELL ASLEEP!?" I was a little ticked off at this. But, then again, she's kind of cute when she's asleep. I stood up and picked her up bridal style. "I don't have a guest room so you're going to have to sleep with me." I whispered to her sleeping form. I set her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. Then I went into the bathroom to change. I came back into the room and climbed into bed. I brushed a few small strands of hair out of (Y/n)'s face. I lightly kissed her forehead and whispered. "I love you, (Y/n)." 

"I love you too, Rufus." She whispered back. I smiled and hugged her close to my chest.

"I'll definitely remember this day." And with that the two of us fell asleep.

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