Natsu x Reader LEMON

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A/n - so I went through requests, I'm trying to catch up since I disappeared for two years, and THIS was the most requested so, here ya go.

🍋🍋🍋    Lemon Warning   🍋🍋🍋

"Bye, guys!" (Y/n) said, waving as she pushed open the guild doors, "See you tomorrow!"

The few guild members who were still there said goodbye and gave a wave. It was dark outside, but the street lamps made her feel a little better on her way home.

"Hey, (Y/n)." She heard someone say from behind her. She turned around too see Natsu jogging to her side, his signature smirk evident on his face as he waved. "You on your way home?"

(Y/n) nodded. "Yeah." She smiled, pausing to allow him to catch up with her.

"Is it alright if I walk home with you?" Natsu asked as he came up next to her.

A small smile spread on (Y/n)'s face. "That'd be great."

The two of them walked home together, silent. The yellow street lamps providing a path full of light the entire way, casting soft shadows on their faces. Natsu and (Y/n) looked over at each other, smiling.

(Y/n) skipped up to the steps of her apartment. "Do you want to come in?" She asked, gesturing upstairs. The pink haired mage nodded, chasing her up the steps.

She quickly unlocked the door, Natsu hurrying in behind her. "It's weird coming in through the front door." He commented. "I'm used to just sneaking in Lucy's window."

(Y/n) laughed. "Do you want something to drink?" She asked with her back turned to him as she locked the door.

(Y/n) glanced over her shoulder. It was oddly quiet, especially for Natsu. "Did you hear me?" She asked, turning around.

Natsu's fingers slipped over her wrists, pulling her arms towards him. (Y/n) stumbled forward, her eyes wide. She felt Natsus breath on her face as their chests collided. Though his lips were barely an inch away from hers, he didn't kiss her.

"You look really beautiful tonight, (Y/n)."

She was at a loss for words. 'Is this really Natsu?'

"Everyone always flirts with you though." He said simply, eyes flickering from her lips to her eyes as he lets go of her slowly. "Does it ever get annoying?"

She shook her head slightly. "I - I never really noticed." She said, craving more of Natsus warm embrace.

He smiled faintly. "I bet if they thought you were taken, they would leave you alone." He brushed some of her (h/c) out of her face and snakes his hands down to her waist.

"Again, I never really noticed." She swallowed a lump in her throat, "and if they are I don't really care..." Her voice trailed off.

Natsu looked down at her, his face grim. "I care."

He dipped his head down, capturing (Y/n)'s lips in his. She let out a small gasp, it was muffled by Natsu's mouth. His lips sucked at hers, taking her bottom lip between his teeth

"I wanna make sure they never look at you like that again." Natsu said gruffly, slurring his words

(Y/n) eyes fluttered. She wanted to close them, to feel nothing but his lips on hers. But at the same time, (Y/n) was curious, wondering how Natsu could go from being, well, Natsu, to this.

Natsus hands slip over her hips, holding her waist against his. "After tonight, I'll make sure no one looks at you like that again."

Shivers ran down (Y/n)'s arms. "Natsu, what's gotten int-"

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