Bucchus x semi-drunk reader

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Your P.O.V.

"Where are you going (Y/n)" Erza asked me. It was the end of the first day of the grand magic games and everyone was celebrating even though we were losing. However, I was asked to meet someone.

"I'm going to the Quatro Cerberus Inn." I replied making my way towards the door.

"May I ask why?" I heard Gray say as a hand made my its way to my shoulder. 

"Bacchus asked me to meet him, said he had a surprise for me." I sighed.

"I think you should stay here." Gray frowned.

"Sorry Gray." I said facing him. "But you're not my mom."

"I'm just looking out for you." Gray said and I closed my eyes, sighing again. When I opened them he was naked. "There are some pretty shady and perverted guys out there."

I put my hands over my eyes and moved my fingers to where I could only see his face. "Says you stripper."

"Aw crap!" While Gray was busy searching for his lost clothes I slipped out of the pub unnoticed. When I finally made it to the Quatro Cerberus guild I was greeted with a very warm welcome. 

"WILD!!!!" They all cheered. 

"Hey guys!" I smiled, "Where's Bacchus at?"

"Hey babe..." I husky voice said drunkenly behind me.

"Bacchus..." I sighed, "You were drunk even before I got here?" He just laughed. "I'm outta here. I'd rather not have to deal with Gray only to hang out with a drunk you." I started to walk out but I felt strong hands find their way to my hips. I was spun around and met with a drunk Bacchus.

"But baby stay and have a drink with me......." Bacchus pouted.

"I'm not your baby." I said as I pushed him off of me.

"But you could be." Bacchus smirked seductively. I just widened my eyes a little.

"Yeah C'mon (Y/n)." Some other members cried, "Please stay and drink with us, it's not often a girl comes to visit us." I looked around and saw that they all had pleading eyes.

"Fine." I moaned.

"WILD!!!!" They cheered.

---------------le time skip to 1 hour later---------------

I've only been here for an hour and I'm already drunk. But who cares, "I'm having so much fun!!!!!" I screamed as I chugged some more alcohol.

"Aren't you glad you stayed?" Bacchus cooed. I just cheered in response.

"Alright (Y/n) I'm gonna have to cut you off now" The master of Quatro Cerberus said.

"Noooooo..." I whined.

"Sorry but I don't think Makarov would appreciate it if one of his most valued members got wasted with my gu-" He was cut off when I shirt hit him in the face... My shirt.

"Meanie..." I slumped myself onto the floor. All the guys turned red except for Bacchus.

"Quit staring at my girl!" He yelled.

"Bacchusssss I'm not your-" He cut me off by roughly kissing me. I kissed back of course. Since I was lost in the moment I didn't notice that he had picked me up and carried me upstairs. He threw me down onto the bed and laid next to me. We only broke the kiss once for air.

"Bacchus that was wonderful." I sang into his ear. 

"Mmmm hmmm..." He mumbled and I kissed him again. "So whatcha say?"

"What?" I asked.

"Will you be my girl?" 

"Absolutely!" We kissed one more time and eventually the two of us fell asleep in eachothers arms. 

A/n- Sorry, I know it sucks and it took way forever to update but here it is. I'm Also sorry to say I'm going to close requests for the moment because I have a lot on my plate at the moment. I will write the ones I already have requested tho so don't worry about that. Anyway don't forget to <3 fairy tail!

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