7 Minutes In Heaven - Freed x reader

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(This was not a request I just happen to secretly love freed)

"Alright (Y/N) it's your turn!" Lucy said.

"Ugh!" I whined, "But I didn't even want to play this game. I wanted to play truth or dare. It's much more... Safe?"

"Well, then I dare you to draw!" Erza said with a dark aura around her.

"Fine." I reached into the bag Lucy was holding and pulled out a tiny wooden sword.


Freed blushed crimson red and stood up. "u-um... O-ok."

he walked over to me and held out his hand. "m-my -my lady..." By now the both of us were as red as Erza's hair.

We walked into the closet. It was so small that I was forced into Freed's chest. Dangit Lucy, why did you have to pick the smallest closet in the guild?

"You're 7 minutes start now." Lucy Said, "have fun." And with that, she closed the door.

Since the closet was so small and my face was pushed into Freed's chest, I couldn't help but get a whiff of his cologne. He smelt like pine and grass... I have to admit that I liked it.

"So uh... (Y/N)..." Freed asked


"what exactly are we supposed to uh... You know... Do in here?"

I thought for a moment then turned completely red. My face felt like it was burning.

"(Y/n) are you ok? Your face feels warm." Freed put his hand on my forehead. "You're burning up. Are you okay? Are you sick? Do you need me t-"

"Kiss..." I interrupted him

"Pardon me?"

Great. I'm locked in a small closet with my crush and we are supposed to...

"Kiss..." I said again. "I think we are supposed to kiss..." 

I felt the heat coming off of his face. Freed and I were both socially awkward and no good in situations like these, so neither of us was exactly sure what to do next.

"u-um... W-well... M-may I?" Freed asked quietly

I blushed about fifty shades darker then nodded. (See what I did there? ;) Fifty Shades my dudes. Fifty Shades)

"y-y-yeah... S-sure."

His face slowly started to come closer to mine closing the gap. My heart was pounding and my face was burning. It was all too much. His lips were about an inch away from mine. He looked me in the eyes, almost asking for permission one more time. I nodded ever so slightly. Slowly his lips made contact with mine. They were smooth and soft.

Our lips moved in sync as he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck.

I let out a content sigh as I melted into the kiss. But all of the sudden the door opened. Bickslow stood there with his babies. "Looks like Freed got some Lovin'," he said "FEED GOT LOVIN' FREED GOT LOVIN'" His babies chanted.

Laxus and Evergreen came over and congratulated him while Gajeel, my older brother, freaked out and was yelling at Freed to let go of me.

Freed just growled. "I wasn't done yet." Then the door began to close all by itself, I guess he used an enchantment or something. "You can continue your game when I'm done." He said plainly.

"Gajeel isn't gonna be happy with you!" I giggled.

"I don't care what tin head thinks. No offense."

"None took."

"Hey (y/n)?"


"Will you be my girlfriends?"

I giggled again, "yes."

"Good. You have no idea how long I've waited to ask you that." And with that he kissed me again.

"I love you (y/n)"

"I love you too freed. But we should get going, I don't wanna get lectured by my older brother."

"Ok. But I'm gonna finish this later."

At that, the two of you walked out of the closet. Freed went back over to the Thunder Legion who patted him on the back and congratulated him. And I went back over to Gajeel who immediately began scolding me on how stupid boys are. What an interesting day.

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