chap 6

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Into the Abyss

The decision to contact Vinh weighed heavily on Thanh. He knew he was stepping into treacherous territory, but the thought of dismantling "The Circle" from within was too compelling to ignore. He hadn’t told Mai about the call—something about it felt wrong, but he convinced himself that secrecy was necessary for their plan to succeed.

The next day, Thanh met Vinh in an underground parking garage, the kind of place where shadows seemed to swallow light whole. Vinh leaned against a sleek black car, his demeanor calm, as if he had been expecting Thanh all along.

“Detective,” Vinh greeted him with that same thin smile. “I’m pleased you’ve decided to join us.”

“I’m not joining anything,” Thanh replied, his voice steady. “I’m here to see what you’re offering and to decide how to use it against you.”

Vinh chuckled softly. “I admire your resolve, Thanh. You’re not the first to come to us with such intentions. But I assure you, once you understand what we truly represent, your perspective may change.”

“Show me,” Thanh demanded.

Vinh nodded and motioned for Thanh to get into the car. As they drove through the city, Vinh explained that "The Circle" had deep roots, not just in the city but across the country, even globally. It had started as a secret society at the university but had grown into a network of influence, embedded in politics, finance, and law enforcement. Vinh’s faction within "The Circle" believed in guiding society from the shadows, steering it away from chaos.

They arrived at a nondescript office building in a quieter part of the city. Inside, Thanh was introduced to several members of Vinh’s faction, all of whom were highly influential in their respective fields. These weren’t the fanatical cultists he had expected—they were professionals, seemingly rational people who believed in maintaining order by any means necessary.

Vinh led Thanh into a private room where they could speak freely. “This is where it begins,” Vinh said. “If you’re willing, we can work together to reshape ‘The Circle,’ to eliminate the rogue elements that have tarnished its reputation. But make no mistake, Thanh, this is a long game. It requires patience, strategy, and above all, loyalty.”

Thanh leaned back in his chair, carefully considering his options. He had expected to be repulsed by what he found, but instead, he was intrigued. Could he really use this position to destroy "The Circle" from within? Or would he become a pawn in their game, just another piece on their chessboard?

As the meeting ended, Vinh gave Thanh a file containing information on several key figures within "The Circle." “Consider this your first assignment,” Vinh said. “These individuals are part of the old guard, those who have strayed from our true purpose. We need to neutralize their influence. Discreetly, of course.”

Thanh took the file, feeling a chill run down his spine. This was it—the point of no return. He nodded curtly and left the building, the weight of his decision settling over him like a dark cloud.

Back at the precinct, Mai noticed a change in Thanh. He was more focused, more driven, but also more distant. She confronted him one evening after they had closed a minor case, her concern evident.

“Thanh, what’s going on? You’ve been different since that night. If something’s bothering you, you can talk to me.”

Thanh hesitated, the words caught in his throat. He wanted to tell her everything, but he feared what it would do to their partnership—and to her safety. “I’m fine, Mai,” he finally said, forcing a smile. “Just a lot on my mind.”

Mai didn’t look convinced. “We’ve been through too much for you to shut me out now. Whatever it is, we’ll face it together. You know that, right?”

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