chap 34

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### **The Serial Killer**

#### **Prologue: The First Victim**

The city of Hòa Bình was known for its tranquil surroundings, peaceful community, and a close-knit population. But that peace was shattered one cold winter evening when the body of a young woman was found in an alleyway, her life cruelly snuffed out. There were no witnesses, no apparent motive, and no clues left behind—only a hauntingly serene expression on the victim's face as though death had come upon her unexpectedly.

Detective Thanh was called to the scene, his partner Mai arriving shortly after. As they examined the area, the cold air seemed to carry an ominous weight, pressing down on them with each breath.

“This isn’t just a robbery gone wrong,” Thanh muttered, his keen eyes taking in the details. “There’s something personal about this.”

Mai nodded, agreeing silently. They had seen their fair share of crime scenes, but there was a strange calmness about this one that set her on edge. It was as if the killer had taken their time, savoring the moment.

#### **Chapter 1: The Second Strike**

Days passed without any leads, and the case seemed to be at a standstill. But then, another body was discovered—this time a young man, found in a similar manner, in a different part of the city. The similarities between the two cases were chilling: both victims had been killed with precision, their faces reflecting a peaceful death.

The media quickly caught on, dubbing the unknown assailant "The Serene Killer" due to the tranquil expressions on the victims’ faces. Panic began to spread through the city, and pressure mounted on the police to catch the murderer before they struck again.

Thanh and Mai poured over the details, re-examining every piece of evidence, every witness statement. But the killer was meticulous, leaving no trace behind, no pattern to their selection of victims.

“This person is a ghost,” Mai said in frustration one night as they worked late at the station. “They’re smart, careful. They know what they’re doing.”

“But everyone leaves a trail,” Thanh replied. “We just need to find it.”

#### **Chapter 2: A Break in the Case**

The break came unexpectedly. A third victim was found, but this time, the killer had made a mistake—a partial footprint left behind in the mud. It was a small lead, but it was enough to give Thanh and Mai hope.

They worked tirelessly, tracing the footprint to a specific brand of shoe, then narrowing down the list of potential suspects. It wasn’t long before they identified a person of interest: a local man named Dương, who had recently lost his job and was known to have a troubled past.

Dương lived alone in a rundown apartment on the outskirts of the city. He had no close friends, no family nearby, and had fallen off the radar after his dismissal. Thanh and Mai decided to pay him a visit, hoping to get some answers.

#### **Chapter 3: The Confrontation**

When they arrived at Dương’s apartment, they found the door slightly ajar. Inside, the place was a mess—papers strewn across the floor, dirty dishes piled up in the sink, and the stench of neglect hanging in the air. But what caught their attention was the wall in the living room, covered in photos of the victims, with notes scrawled around them.

“This is our guy,” Mai whispered, her hand instinctively going to her sidearm.

But as they searched the apartment, it became clear that Dương was not there. The place was deserted, and it looked like he had left in a hurry.

They put out an APB and scoured the city, but Dương had vanished. Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no sign of him. The trail had gone cold again, and the city was left waiting in fear for the next attack.

#### **Chapter 4: The Final Showdown**

It was a month later when the killings started again. This time, the victims were taken in quick succession, the murders becoming more brutal, more desperate. Thanh and Mai knew they were running out of time.

Then, one night, they received a tip—someone had seen Dương near an abandoned factory on the outskirts of town. The building had once been a textile mill, now it was a crumbling relic of a forgotten past, a perfect place for someone to hide.

Thanh and Mai, along with a SWAT team, moved in quietly. They entered the factory, their footsteps echoing in the vast, empty space. The tension was palpable as they moved through the dark corridors, searching for any sign of Dương.

They found him in a large, open room at the back of the factory. He was standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by photographs of his victims, his face contorted in a mixture of rage and despair. In his hand, he held a knife, its blade gleaming in the dim light.

“You don’t understand,” Dương shouted as they approached. “I didn’t want to do this! They made me!”

“Put the knife down, Dương,” Thanh said calmly, trying to keep the situation from escalating. “We can help you, but you need to put the knife down.”

But Dương was beyond reasoning. He lunged at Thanh, the knife slicing through the air. In an instant, Mai fired her weapon, the shot ringing out in the empty factory. Dương crumpled to the ground, the knife clattering away from his hand.

As the SWAT team moved in to secure the area, Thanh and Mai stood over Dương’s lifeless body, the weight of what had happened settling in.

#### **Epilogue: The Aftermath**

The city of Hòa Bình slowly returned to normal in the aftermath of Dương’s death. The killings had stopped, and the people began to feel safe again. But for Thanh and Mai, the case left a lingering sense of unease.

Dương had been a troubled man, but the reasons behind his actions were still unclear. What had driven him to kill so many? What had he meant when he said they made him do it? These questions haunted them, and though the case was officially closed, they couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to the story.

As they left the station one evening, Mai turned to Thanh. “Do you think we’ll ever know the whole truth?”

Thanh sighed, looking out at the city as the sun set on the horizon. “Maybe. But sometimes, the truth is something we’re better off not knowing.”

With that, they walked into the night, leaving the horrors of the case behind them, but knowing that the shadows of the past could always return.

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