chap 35

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### **The Pilotless Flight**

#### **Prologue: The Mysterious Takeoff**

It was supposed to be an ordinary flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi. Flight VN 745 was scheduled to depart at 8:00 AM sharp, with 120 passengers on board, most of whom were business travelers and tourists. The weather was perfect, and the crew had completed all pre-flight checks without a hitch.

At 7:45 AM, the passengers began boarding. Among them were Thanh and Mai, who had just finished a major case and were looking forward to a brief respite in Hanoi. They settled into their seats, ready for the short domestic flight.

As the plane prepared for takeoff, something unusual happened. The cockpit door remained closed longer than expected, and the flight attendants exchanged nervous glances. The passengers, including Thanh and Mai, started to notice the delay, but before anyone could ask questions, the engines roared to life, and the plane began taxiing down the runway.

When the aircraft lifted off the ground, the passengers breathed a collective sigh of relief. However, it wasn’t long before they noticed something wasn’t right. The familiar voice of the captain announcing the flight plan and weather conditions was conspicuously absent. The plane continued its ascent in eerie silence.

#### **Chapter 1: The Unsettling Realization**

Fifteen minutes into the flight, the passengers began to murmur among themselves. Thanh and Mai, always attuned to their surroundings, sensed that something was amiss. Mai called over a flight attendant and asked if everything was alright.

The flight attendant, her face pale and strained, hesitated before responding. “We’re not sure what’s happening, but we can’t seem to contact the cockpit.”

Thanh’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean you can’t contact the cockpit?”

“The intercom isn’t working, and neither is the emergency communication system,” she whispered, trying to maintain her composure. “We’re doing everything we can, but...”

Mai exchanged a worried look with Thanh. They both knew that this was more than just a technical glitch. Something was very wrong.

Without hesitation, Thanh unbuckled his seatbelt and headed toward the cockpit. Mai followed closely behind. When they reached the door, they found it locked from the inside. Thanh pounded on the door, but there was no response. The flight attendants were unable to unlock it either, as the emergency override was non-functional.

“We need to find out what’s going on,” Mai said, her voice tense.

“We have to stay calm,” Thanh replied, trying to think through the possibilities. “If the pilots are incapacitated, we need to figure out how to land this plane safely.”

#### **Chapter 2: The Impossible Situation**

As the plane continued its steady course, Thanh and Mai, with the help of the flight attendants, tried every means to gain access to the cockpit. The passengers, now fully aware that something was wrong, began to panic.

Thanh knew they couldn’t let the situation escalate further. He and Mai quickly took control of the cabin, calming the passengers as best they could. With no way to communicate with the outside world or control the plane, they were left with few options.

“Is there anyone on board with flight experience?” Thanh asked aloud, hoping for a miracle. But when no one stepped forward, it became clear that they were on their own.

Mai scanned the cabin, her mind racing. “We need to find a way to get that door open. If the pilots are still alive, they might be unconscious. If they’re not…”

Her voice trailed off, but the implication was clear. If the pilots were dead, the plane was flying without anyone at the controls.

#### **Chapter 3: The Race Against Time**

The situation grew more dire as the plane continued its journey, deviating slightly from its original course. Thanh and Mai knew they were running out of time. With every passing minute, they were moving farther away from potential rescue.

Suddenly, the plane began to experience turbulence, shaking violently as it passed through a storm. The passengers screamed, and Thanh knew they had to act fast. He and Mai decided to use the emergency equipment to try and force the cockpit door open.

Using a fire extinguisher as a battering ram, Thanh slammed it against the door repeatedly while Mai assisted. After what felt like an eternity, the door finally gave way, and they stumbled into the cockpit.

The sight that greeted them was horrifying. Both pilots were slumped over in their seats, unconscious or worse. The autopilot was engaged, but the plane was off course, heading towards a mountainous region with limited radar coverage.

Mai quickly checked the pilots for signs of life while Thanh attempted to take control of the aircraft. One pilot had a faint pulse, but the other was gone. Mai tried to revive the surviving pilot as Thanh scanned the controls, searching for a way to stabilize the plane.

“Mai, I don’t know how long we have before we’re too far off course,” Thanh said urgently. “We need to get him conscious, or we’ll have to figure this out ourselves.”

Mai worked frantically, using basic first aid techniques to try and bring the pilot back. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the pilot began to stir, groaning as he regained consciousness.

“Thank God,” Mai whispered.

#### **Chapter 4: The Final Descent**

The revived pilot was disoriented but conscious enough to take over the controls. With Mai’s help, he disengaged the autopilot and began to manually navigate the plane back to a safe altitude and course.

Thanh relayed the situation to air traffic control using the radio, explaining the emergency and requesting immediate assistance. Within minutes, they were guided to an emergency landing strip, where a team of paramedics and law enforcement awaited their arrival.

The landing was tense, but the pilot managed to bring the plane down safely, to the immense relief of everyone on board. As the plane taxied to a stop, the passengers erupted into cheers, overwhelmed with gratitude and relief.

#### **Epilogue: The Aftermath**

In the days that followed, the investigation into what had happened on Flight VN 745 revealed a shocking truth: the pilots had been poisoned, their food laced with a slow-acting toxin that incapacitated them mid-flight. The authorities quickly launched a manhunt for the culprit, suspecting foul play, possibly an act of terrorism.

Thanh and Mai, hailed as heroes for their quick thinking and bravery, found themselves at the center of a new investigation. But for now, they were just grateful to be alive, knowing that they had narrowly averted a disaster.

As they finally arrived in Hanoi, tired but safe, they couldn’t help but reflect on the fragility of life and the fine line between calm and chaos. And while they didn’t yet know who was behind the attack, they were determined to find out—because they knew this was just the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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