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Murder by Preference (Continued)

#### Chapter 8: Echoes of the Past

In the weeks following Mr. Anderson's arrest, the town of Oakwood slowly began to heal. Emma's friends organized a memorial to celebrate her life and talent, but Thanh and Mai felt a lingering weight on their shoulders. Despite their success in solving the case, the shadows of betrayal and ambition still haunted them.

One evening, as they wrapped up a long day at the station, Mai suggested, “Let’s visit Emma’s studio one last time. I think it might help us process everything.”

Thanh agreed, and they made their way to the now-closed studio. Upon entering, the air felt heavy with unspoken words. The vibrant colors of Emma's paintings seemed muted in the absence of her spirit. They stood in silence, letting the memories wash over them.

“I still can’t believe how quickly things spiraled out of control,” Mai said, her voice barely above a whisper. “One moment she was thriving, and the next… gone.”

Thanh nodded, his eyes drawn to a particular canvas in the corner—a beautiful piece Emma had been working on before her death. It depicted a stormy sea with a single boat battling the waves, an image that felt strangely prophetic. “It’s like she was trying to warn us,” he mused, recalling the hidden messages in her journal.

Mai stepped closer, her brow furrowing. “Do you think there are more layers to this story? Something we missed?”

“Maybe. The art community can be a dangerous place, and we only scratched the surface with Anderson. There could be others who felt threatened by her success,” Thanh replied, feeling a sense of unease.

As they examined the painting, a sudden thought struck Thanh. “We need to look at Emma’s social media accounts again. If there were messages, there could be more clues.”

#### Chapter 9: The Investigation Reignited

Back at the station, they dug into Emma’s digital footprint, combing through her posts, messages, and interactions. They uncovered a series of conversations with other artists that hinted at deeper rivalries and jealousy, especially with a lesser-known painter named Jessica, who had once been part of the same art scene.

Jessica had fallen off the radar after Emma’s rise to fame, and her bitterness toward Emma was palpable in the messages. “I’m tired of living in her shadow,” one message read, laced with veiled threats.

“Looks like we need to pay Jessica a visit,” Mai said, her eyes gleaming with determination. “She might have more to say about Emma than we realized.”

The next day, they tracked down Jessica in a small, cluttered studio on the outskirts of town. The space was filled with half-finished canvases and remnants of her former work. Jessica’s demeanor shifted as they introduced themselves, her eyes darting nervously.

“I didn’t know Emma personally,” she said, avoiding eye contact. “We were never friends.”

“But you had a rivalry, didn’t you?” Thanh pressed. “Your messages indicate there was a lot of resentment.”

Jessica crossed her arms defensively. “So what? Just because I was jealous doesn’t mean I killed her!”

Mai stepped forward, her tone firm. “We’re not accusing you. We just want to understand the dynamics in the art community. Was there anyone who took things too far?”

Jessica hesitated, her facade cracking. “There were whispers. People in the community felt threatened by Emma’s success. It wasn’t just me.”

#### Chapter 10: Uncovering More Truths

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