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My gaze shifted between Thomas and the door. I knew that when we opened it, Isabella would be shocked, and the last thing I wanted right now was to confront her and have her make a scene in front of all the passengers.

On the other hand, I was aware that at some point we would have to leave, so to get it over with as soon as possible, I walked to the door and opened it.

Isabella's expression showed surprise and indignation, just as I expected.

"Thomas, what are you doing in there with her?" she asked, disbelief in her tone.

I wasn't going to let her question what I did or didn't do, not after she kissed my boyfriend when she knew perfectly well that we were a couple.

Before Thomas could say anything, I intervened. "Oh, please, don't act surprised. You have no right to be indignant, you're not his girlfriend, you're nothing. I think you should accept that Thomas doesn't like you—in fact, he can't stand you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get back to my seat."

Her face turned a shade of red that I couldn't decipher. I didn't know if it was anger or embarrassment. However, I didn't care in the slightest.

"By the way, her name is Bianca. My name is Bianca. At least have some respect," I said finally.

When Isabella stepped aside, I left the small compartment and walked toward my seat, leaving Thomas behind.

After all, he was the one who had kissed her and led her on; he was the one who should deal with her. I was tired of having to solve other people's problems.


I felt satisfied hearing Bianca's words. She hadn't lied. I didn't like Isabella, and at times, I couldn't stand her. I was attracted to her when I wasn't in a great place, but now, with the competition around the corner, I wasn't ready for a relationship, let alone to put up with any nonsense.

"Tell me nothing happened between you two in there," she said, seeing that I wasn't responding, and continued, "How dare she question your feelings for me? We love each other, don't we?" Her words opened up an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I had to tell her the truth, to make things clear between us.

"Look, Isabella, you're a very beautiful girl, and I have no doubt that anyone would want to be with you, but right now, I'm not ready to be in a relationship. I really appreciate that you helped me when I had no one and wasn't doing well, but I'm not interested in being in a relationship with you. I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings, but that's the truth. I don't want to give you false hopes," I said sincerely, from the depths of my heart.

The kiss with Bianca made me reflect. I wasn't ready for a new relationship, not after breaking up with her less than three weeks ago. The truth is, I want to fix things between us. I want to have a cordial relationship with her, now more than ever.

"I can't believe you're saying this. After how she's treated you lately? It seems like you've forgotten how she ignored you or how she threw all your things out the window," Isabella said. I couldn't help but laugh at the memory. "Is that funny to you? Look at you, you're pathetic. Better for me, I don't want to be with someone who can't get over his ex," she said, pushing me and slamming the bathroom door.

I decided to return to my seat, where Bianca was using her phone. When I sat down, she asked, "Everything okay?"

"Everything's perfect, thanks for asking. By the way, I loved how you responded to Isabella," I said with total sincerity.

"Don't worry, it's nothing. That girl needed a reality check a long time ago. Besides, I know how much you're hoping to win a gold medal, and I didn't want her to affect your performance because, let's be honest, she was clearly a distraction," she said, which made a part of me happy because I could see that she still cared about me.

"Thank you, really. I also hope you do well in the competition. I know how important it is for you. And I think you deserve it, a lot. You're one of the hardest workers," I said, offering her a smile, which she reciprocated. I wanted her to know that I also wished her the best.

I looked at my watch and saw that there were only ten minutes left before landing. I used them to relax and rest a bit.

In the end, the trip wasn't as terrible as I thought it might be. It was chaotic, but it had its good moments, and I was grateful for that.


When the plane landed, we gathered all our things and prepared to leave. I knew that a lot of press would be waiting outside, which made me a bit nervous.

Despite the nerves, I felt excited. Tomorrow afternoon, we would start competing, and I felt that this was the perfect opportunity to take a big step in my professional career.

I hope the Italian swimming team wins a medal; we deserve it for all the hard work we've put in. Besides, the Olympic Games only happen every four years.

As we got into the car that would take us to the village where we would be staying, I decided to take out my phone and call my family to let them know we had arrived safely.

When I turned it on, a bunch of notifications popped up on my screen. It was news published a few hours ago. I was incredulous, tired of the press always inventing dramas.

Are we never going to be able to live without them following us and questioning our lives?

Are we never going to be able to live without them following us and questioning our lives?

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SWIMMING IN CHAOS~THOMAS CECCONWhere stories live. Discover now