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You watched as the boy punched and kicked the log stump, sweat rolling down his face

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You watched as the boy punched and kicked the log stump, sweat rolling down his face. You were hidden behind a tree, scared once more at this boy your in awe with seeing you.

You silently praised the boy as he kept counting his kicks and punches, finally ending at one thousand. The boy then began to do push ups, counting once more.

You stepped back, going to find a different tree to hide behind for a better look. But to your dismay, you had stepped on a twig causing it to snap and the boy to swiftly get up and into a fighting stance.

"Whoever you are! Come out!" He exclaimed. You nervously poked your head out from behind the tree and squeaked a bit. You didn't want the boy to hurt you, for you didn't know anything about fighting.

You stepped out more and quivered slightly "Please don't hurt me!" You bowed a bit, the boy lowering his stance.

'A girl?' He thought, before realizing how extremely rude he was being. "Ah! I did not mean to frighten you," "My name is Rock Lee! May I ask for your name and why you were hiding behind that tree?" The boy quickly sputtered out.

You jumped at the boys energy but smiled slightly, "(Y/n)! And uh-" You thought of the reason why you were hiding behind the tree but couldn't remember how you ended up there.

Lee noticed your delay in answering and waved it off. "It is alright (Y/n)!" Lee slightly beamed as an idea came to him. "Would you like to train with me!?" He said a little excited to have a partner to train with.

Your face saddened, "Sorry I don't know how to." You watched as Lees face saddened as well but you quickly changed it. "But I can help with anything else!" You told him as he quickly pulled out a homework sheet. 

'So he goes to the academy as well!' You thought as he explained to you how he was having trouble with a jutsu related question on his homework and you easily answered it.

His eyes sparkled and quickly took note of how you explained how the jutsu worked.

He smiled at you and quickly grabbed your hands, "Thank you very much (Y/n)!" You blushed in the slightest at how he held your hands causing him to admire your face a bit.

The two of you quickly broke off and you smiled, "I have to go now! My friends are probably waiting for me!" You waved.

Lee swiftly waved as well "I hope to see you again!" 

Lee swiftly waved as well "I hope to see you again!" 

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