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Another moment when you found yourself waiting, waiting on someone who you have complete trust in. You took a deep breath, the negative thoughts pouring in as you tried your best to come up with a good explanation for each.
You sat atop a flat stone, weathered down by the rain. You tried counting the blades of glass to pass time, but you knew it was no use. You would hum a tune every now and then watching as autumn leaves danced about in the wind.
You smiled, smiled through it all. You were sad, anyone could see through your fake expression. Especially him, but, for he was not here. To tell you to cheer up, tell you that the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming.
But they are not, because he is not here.
You'd like to think you controlled the weather with your emotions, but you knew that wasn't possible.
What fun things your imagination could make up.
A figure running in the distance, a small drop of sweat glimmered against his forehead. You couldn't make out who the person is, they were too far.
After a few seconds you could make out their hair, spiky, Shikamaru, the thought went past your mind and you got happy but then frowned.
You wanted to see only one person right now, and only that person.
You turned your head to look at the setting sun, hoping Shikamaru wouldn't see you. "(Y/N)!" Your ears perked up, you knew that voice anywhere.
You turned your head back to the figure getting closer in the distance.
"Naruto?" You whispered to yourself.
You got up from your stone, squinting your eyes ever so slightly to get a better look. 'Naruto...' You thought.
The said boy pounced atop you and you couldn't help but smile.
"Naruto!" You giggled as he hugged you the tightest he could, you as well hugging back.
You were about to say something but Naruto beat you to it. "(Y/n), I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner..." Naruto let go of the hug, and you did the same.
He smiled and pulled out a small blossomed flower from his pocket, he suddenly realized the flower was pressed do to it being in his pocket.
"Uh-" He panicked and swiftly puffed it back up. He let out a sight of relief and turned back to you, "Anyways, this flower was why I took so long." He chuckled nervously hoping you would understand what he was about to say.
"I had planted the seed you gave me during my mission, but I suppose I planted it in a bad spot in the dirt, and some other nearby plants had taken all its water." You look at Naruto with a deadpan face but urged him to continue.
"When I went back after the mission it had only germinated in just the slightest. So when my team and I went back home, I spent this past month trying to figure out how to get it to blossom." Naruto had a small speck of sweat roll down his forehead.
"But I finally figured it out! And here I am now." Naruto gave you a toothy smile and handed you the flower.
You chuckled and took the flower, "Its quite all right Naruto, what matters is you're here now." You looked back down at the flower in your hands. "Do you know what this is?"
Naruto looked at you relived that you forgave him but then dumbfounded at your question, "A flower?" You sweat dropped. "No, I mean what flower this is."
Naruto made an 'O' shape with his mouth and answered, "Is it a rose?" Naruto guessed. You smiled, "Yes it is! But its a yellow one, and the reason why I wanted you to plant is because the yellow rose represents friendship!" Naruto seemed genuinely interested and nodded.
"Naruto, I cherish you and your friendship." You put a hand on his shoulder as pink started to slip up and onto Naruto's cheeks.
"You were my first friend, and will always be!" You cheered and leaned down to the ground and dug a small hole with your fingers. Naruto followed suit and as well bent down to the ground.
"This flower I plant is a symbol of our friendship Naruto!" You smiled once more. "And may it forever live!" Naruto cheered.
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