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You went to go find Rock Lee, excited to see him once more. But to your dismay, you didn't hear the punching and kicking of a log.
You came closer to find Lee crying, your eyes softened at the sight.
You decided to walk up to him, "Lee?"
He quickly got up from the sound of your voice, wiping his tears with his sleeve and smiling at you. "(Y/N)! I am so happy to see you!" Lee did a whole three sixty to his mood.
You frowned, "Are you alright...?" You asked as you got up closer to him, causing him to blush at the proximity of your face.
"Yes I am alright!" Lee smiled at you, but his eyes didn't show the same energy as the rest of his face.
He watched as you sat down against the tree, patting the spot next to you, "Sit, please tell me what's wrong." You gave him a warm smile causing him to blush once more but sat down.
You leaned your head against his shoulder, making him tense up but relax almost immediately. "At the academy, I get bullied a lot for not being able to use any Jutsu..." Lee's eyes seemed to water at the thought but quickly rubbed them away.
Your head lifted off his shoulder and you turned to him, "Is that why you train here everyday?" Lee nodded his head as he looked down sadly.
Suddenly you jumped up right In front of him, "Well your gonna prove them wrong!" You exclaimed.
Lee look up at you in awe and smiled, "I will help you with your training Lee! So we can prove those losers wrong!" You said as you stuck out your hand for Lee to grab.
Lee chuckled a bit at your enthusiasm and grabbed your extended hand. "Together we'll become unstoppable!" Lee said as you sweat dropped a little.
"Uh-well you will become unstoppable, I can't do anything remember." Lee's face pinged in remembrance and nervously laughed. "Oh yeah," Lee smiled. "You will help me become unstoppable!" He cheered.
You smiled at Lee joyously running around, adrenaline pumping through his now encouraged blood.
'Together we'll make you unstoppable'
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