I do it because i love you

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(Marjorie and Reece don't live together in this one)

Today I started my period it's absolute hell every time I get it at least the first few days. This cycle is killing me more then usual so I decided to not go to work even though I don't like missing work I can't move because everything hurts. I texted Aut so she can put me on sick leave not giving any explanation and throwing my phone to the side and grabbing some medicine and drinking it and getting back in bed and rolling into a ball. I eventually put a sad movie on after crying because of the movie I fell asleep.

After a while I heard someone knocking on the door. I got up and headed for the door opening and seeing it's Reece looking worried. "Hey you" I said looking at him slightly smiling at him holding my stomach since I still was in pain.

"Marjorie are you okay? What wrong? Aut called me asking about you taking a day of I was so worried and I called you like 5 times you didn't answer so I came straight here to check on you." He said this so fast but I couldn't hide how much that meant for me so I took my hand from my stomach and opened my arms hugging him and then kissing him

"I'm okay, breath okay? I took the day off because it's that time of the month I can bearly move." I said shyly since I don't like talking to anyone about that since my mom taught me never to talk about that " Gorgeous why didn't you tell me I would have come earlier." He said when I separated from him and put my arm on my stomach again. "Darling I didn't want you to take the day off work." I said letting him enter and closing the door and going to the couch siting and putting my legs close to stomach and hugging my legs while I put my head on them.

"Well I'm staying here with you your more important than work. Now let's get you upstairs I'm going to grab you a heated pad and I'll bring to you up stairs." He said getting up and helping me up to the room and laying down in my recent position and him going downstairs.

While he was downstairs I couldn't help but start to cry not only because of the pain but also because no man has ever cared like Reece does. What type of man comes straight to you because you were unwell or just off. He not only did that but he's staying to take care off me and all my mood swings when I'm on my period. I love that man to pieces he doesn't understand how much I appreciate him and his small actions that for others are insignificant but to me are the world.

A few minutes in to me crying I heard Reece running up the stairs to my room with the pad putting it on and sitting next to me hugging me " What happened gorgeous is it because of the pain?" He said caressing my back. "Yes and because of you, you came running over to take care of me even though you didn't know and are missing work because of me I just can't explain how much I appreciate it and love you for being there for me" I say kissing him at the end and laying back down hugging the heated pad

Gorgeous I will always be there and I do this to show you how much I love you. Know lay down for a while I'm going to run you a bath o you can shower and then take a nap if you want or we can cuddle" he said leaving to the bathroom

After a will I take the bath and when I was back Reece got me some chocolate and reheated my pad and we sat there all day cuddling, sleeping, watching movies and more.

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