ER visit

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Reece pov

Today was one of those days Marjorie being hormonal, over working herself and frustrated by the simplest things. We're home from work already and she's still working in the kitchen. She only got up to get a bottle of wine and drinking it from the bottle and then continued working. She must be really stressed if she's drinking from the bottle. I decide not to interrupt her but if it gets late and still is working I'm going to intervene.

I went in the kitchen and started cooking dinner making a casserole since I know she loves mine. After a while I finished cooking and she was still working and had finished a bottle of wine already going on to the second one. I don't know how she's still drinking knowing she's light weight she can't normally drink one bottle alone and now she's on her 2nd bottle. I'm getting worried about her it's not normal for her to be out of it like this.

"Darling dinner is done it's just heating up in the oven if you want take a shower before you eat" I said this as i turned her around and close her laptop making her get up I could tell she was getting pissed but she was to drunk to do nothing. I took her upstairs and helped her in the shower and while she showered I went to get her something to wear. When in the closet I heard the water turn off and a loud thump. I go practically running to the bathroom and I see Marjorie on the bathroom floor with her towel on.

What happened? are you okay gorgeous?" I say as fast as possible. "I'm okay I landed on my arm tho put I just slipped I'm fine." She said sitting she tried putting her arm down but winced in pain so she kept her are as it was. "Let's go the hospital gorgeous so they can see that arm" I say getting up from beside her. "No... no I'll be okay it's probably nothing darling just help me get up and I'll but an ice pack on it" she said looking at me seeing my worried face. I help her up and put her on the bed and help her get dressed slowly putting her shirt on. After I when and got her the ice pack and fed her since her dominant hand is the one she landed on and after she laid down and I laid be side her.

A couple of hours passed and Marjorie couldn't fall asleep because of the pain so I stayed up with her. At one point I heard her crying and whimpering. " okay get up Marjorie we are going to the hospital you need medical attention and I'm not taking a no as an answer" I say getting up I grab my hoodie and put it on and grab one of my jackets for her afterwards I helped her downstairs to the car she was still crying from the pain I lock up the house and go directly to the hospital.

In the hospital they run test and they do an x-ray and after a while the doctor comes in. " Ms Marjorie you have a broken arm put luckily in 6 to 7 weeks you'll be fine but the bad news is that putting the cast on will be painful because you waited to much and your arm is swollen so I recommend next time not wait. Now we'll try to put the cast on fast but I recommend you grab something." The doctor said I offered my hand to her and she grabs it when he starts setting the cast I I could se Marjorie hold her screams, her face full of tears and her closing her eyes shut as hard as she can. When the doctor finished he set Marjorie with a pain killer IV that will help her sleep through the pain. The doctor gave me a prescription and I took Marjorie home.

At home Marjorie when directly to bed and I followed her and laid beside her as she put her head on my chest. "Thank you for taking me to the ER darling I love you" she said sleepily. "Gorgeous I will always be here for you and that my job taking care of my gorgeous girlfriend and I love you too" I said as I kiss her head after I while I decide to fall asleep with her.

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