Not Fair!

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It's been a few months that Angelica gained back her memories as Chloe.

Today, she was forced to dine together with her parents and brothers for breakfast.

"Angelica, darling, are you okay?" Her father asked, his voice cold and uncaring.

He didn't really care about Angelica or her feelings.

Chloe knew that.

Angelica did not.

The Duke was the villainess' father who didn't even care when she was set to be executed in the novel.

Some father, is she right?

Angelica looked up from her breakfast plate, a forced smile painted on her plum colored lips.

"Just a bit tired, Lord Father." She replied, pushing a piece of toast around with her fork.

Her younger brother, Marcus, whom her parents actually loved searched her eyes with genuine concern.

"You've been so distant lately. Is everything all right, big sister?" Marcus asked so innocently.

Angelica took a deep breath and pushed her chair back.

"I must admit, my brother that I've got a bit of a headache. I'm going to lie down." She murmured, retreating from the dining room.

Her older brothers stared at her as she left.

They weren't every close to her in this life and the original Angelica's life as well.

It was a pity honestly.

Once in her room, Angelica flopped onto the bed, the weight of the world seemingly pressing down on her.

This wasn't the life she was supposed to live.

The walls were adorned with weapons and the presence of the house was chilling and cold like her parents.

A stark similarity to the tumultuous thoughts swirling in her head.

She had died before, and she awoke in this very same room.

Angelica in her past life as Chloe had read "Dangerous Prince" so many times she could recite it in her sleep.

It was not her favorite novel at all.

In fact, she hated.

A lot.

It was everything she hated in a novel.

It wasn't a tale of love, betrayal, and redemption but a story of a horrible person getting her way because of her light magic.

Chloe never imagined she would become the villainess, Angelica, in her own twisted reality.

The plot was set in stone, and she was the one who had to break free.

The only way out was to end her life if she was to remember other novels.

With a heavy sigh, she stared at the ceiling, contemplating the absurdity of her situation.

Her thoughts drifted to the heroine, Selena, and her handsome prince, the ones destined for a happily ever after while she was fated to die being unloved.

How she envied them.

As Chloe, she hated them.

As Angelica, she wanted to be the main character.

Her fingertips brushed against the soft fabric of her pillow, and she felt a surge of anger.

Why couldn't she have been born into a different story?

One where she wasn't the villain, one where she could live a life of her own making. But here she was, trapped in the pages of a book, doomed to play out the same tragic tale.

And so, she resolved, she would try again. She would find a way to escape, even if it meant dying a hundred more times. The room spun around her as she made her decision, the walls closing in like the grip of fate itself.

But Chloe no Angelica was determined.

She wanted to go home.

To her job!

To what she really loved!

Damn it all!!!!

The Reincarnated Villainess Wants To Cause Chaos Where stories live. Discover now