Morgana Ravenshade

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After the conversation with her parents, Angelica wasted no time in seeking out Morgana, the woman she had chosen to be her mentor.

A close family friend and one of the most gifted mages in the realm, Morgana had always treated her with kindness and respect, unlike the condescension she often faced from others in the court.

Vincent and Eveline arranged for a carriage for her to go to Morgan's humble hut in the forest of the kingdom of Elaria.

The ride was short yet in a way calming.

The forest was quiet.

The air was fresh and clean.

The sky was a bit cloudy yet warm.

It was a beautiful day.

Angelica was sad that the ride to Morgan's hut ended so suddenly. Yet she was excited to see her again.

As Angelica approached her chambers, she could feel the faint hum of magic in the air, a comforting presence that seemed to call to her.

Morgana's eyes lit up when she saw Angelica.

She had always sensed the girl's potential, even when others had dismissed her as just another noble daughter.

"Angie." She said with a small bow, her silver hair framing her face like a halo.

"What brings you to me, little lady?" She asked as Angelica hugged her.

Angelica took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

"I need your help." Angelica said, her voice strong and clear.

"I need to learn to control my magic, and I want you to be my teacher."

Morgana studied her for a moment, her gaze piercing and wise.

Then she nodded.

"I will help you." She said, her voice filled with a warmth that Angelica had not heard in a long time.

"But it will not be easy. Magic is a powerful force, and it requires discipline and sacrifice."

"Then I'm ready to do anything, Morgana." Angelica said determined.

Morgana laughed.

"Then we have a deal, little lady." She grinned.

Over the coming months, Angelica threw herself into her training with a fervor that surprised even her.

Under Morgana's tutelage, she learned to harness her magic, to bend it to her will. The spells that once eluded her now flowed from her fingertips like water from a fountain. She practiced tirelessly, her days filled with the incantation of ancient runes and the study of ancient tomes.

Her home's training grounds became her second home, where she honed her combat skills alongside the palace guards. Her long black hair flew behind her as she wielded a sword with a grace that belied her strength.

With each swing, she felt a little more in control, a little more powerful. And with each lesson, she grew closer to Morgana, who became not just her mentor, but her confidante and friend.

But even as she grew stronger, the shadow of her past attempts on her life loomed over her.

She knew that she had to find a way back to her own world, to the life she had left behind. The magic that Morgana taught her was a means to an end, a tool she could use to protect herself and perhaps, find the answers she sought.

The bond between Angelica and Morgana grew stronger with each passing day, and soon, the girl who was once seen as a disappointment began to be talked about in whispers.

Whispers of power and potential, of a fiery spirit that could not be contained. The castle's walls held secrets, and soon, so did Angelica.

But she was not content to simply survive; she wanted to thrive, to carve her own destiny in this world of shadows and intrigue.

And as she grew in strength and knowledge, she also grew in resolve. She would not be a victim, not here, not now. She would stand tall, her magic a beacon that would guide her home, or failing that, a weapon that would strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to cross her.

The days grew shorter and the nights grew colder, but Angelica's determination did not waver.

With Morgana by her side, she faced each challenge with the fierce resolve of a lioness protecting her cub.

And as the leaves fell from the trees, painting the world in a tapestry of gold and red, she knew that she was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

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