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It's been a while since Angelica's last attempt on her own life. She hasn't give up on that yet.

But right now, she was lost in the world of her book. Her eyes devouring each word with a hunger that could never be satiated. Her nose buried in the pages, she ignored the castle's distant chatter, the smell of aged parchment and ink her only companions.

The library was her sanctuary, a place where she could escape the expectations that her title as the Duke and Duchess's daughter had placed upon her.

The heavy oak door creaked open, interrupting her solace.

A guard, clad in the family's crimson and gold livery, cautiously approached.

His eyes searched the room, as if he was afraid of disturbing the very air that held the books. He cleared his throat, and Angelica looked up, her gaze meeting his. His expression was one of urgency, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword tightly.

"My lady." He began, his voice thick with hesitation.

Angelica set her book aside, her heart racing. The guards rarely came to the library, and when they did, it was never with good news.

She stood up, her knees slightly trembling, and asked, "What is it?"

The guard took a step closer, his boots echoing in the cavernous room.

"Your parents wish to speak with you." He said, his voice low and serious.

"They've just received... troubling information."

The girl nodded, her mind racing with possibilities.

She followed the guard out of the library, her thoughts swirling like the leaves of an autumn storm.

The castle corridors always felt cold and unwelcoming as they wound their way to her parents' chamber.

Each step was heavier than the last, as if the very stones beneath her feet knew the gravity of the conversation that awaited her.

When they finally arrived, the guard announced her presence with a solemn knock, and the heavy wooden door swung open, revealing the Duke and Duchess. Their faces were etched with worry, their eyes holding secrets that would soon be revealed.

Her mother, the Duchess, was the first to speak.

"Angelica," She began, her voice wavering.

"We've just received word that there have been several... attempts on your life. You tried to take your own life."

The room seemed to shrink around her, the air thick with the weight of the revelation.

Her father, the Duke, stood tall beside her, his cold eyes looked as if he had been crying.

"But why?" Her father, Vincent, managed to ask her, his voice barely a whisper.

She felt a strange detachment from the words, as if they were not about her at all, but about some other girl with a name that sounded vaguely familiar.

Her father sighed heavily, his shoulders dropping with the weight of his guilt.

"We've always known you were different." he said, his voice gruff with emotion.

"We've been so focused on securing the future of our lineage, that we've neglected your well-being. We never should have treated you as anything less than our son."

The Duchess took Angelica's hand in hers, her grip firm and warm.

"We know we've failed you, my daughter" Her mother, Eveline said, her eyes brimming with tears.

"But we want to make it right. We need to protect you."

Angelica felt a flicker of anger ignite in her chest.

"Protect me?" She scoffed.

"I'm not some delicate china doll you can hide away. I can take care of myself."

The Duke's expression grew stern.

"You may have the spirit of a warrior, but you are still our daughter. And as such, you will follow our orders and remain under our protection."

The conversation grew heated as Angelica argued for her independence.

She was a reincarnated woman from the real world, not some damsel in distress waiting to be saved.

Her parents, however, were too caught up in their own guilt and fear to see the strength that lay within her. They had only ever known the world of the novel, a world where girls were to be seen and not heard, where their destinies were decided by the whims of fate and the actions of men.

As the tension in the room grew, Angelica's mind raced. She knew she had to find a way to convince them that she was capable of handling the danger that loomed. She needed to get back to her own world, but first, she had to survive this one.

The Duchess spoke up, her voice filled with a newfound resolve.

"We will hire the best tutors and trainers." Eveline said, her eyes shining with determination.

"You will learn to fight, to strategize, to lead. We will not let you be a pawn in this game of thrones."

Angelica searched their faces, looking for any sign of doubt, but she found none. They were sincere in their apology and their intentions to change. For the first time, she felt a glimmer of hope that she could use this situation to her advantage.

"Fine," she said, her voice steady.

"But I want to choose who trains me. And I want to be involved in every decision regarding my safety and future."

The Duke and Duchess exchanged a look of surprise, but nodded in agreement. They were her parents, after all, and she was still their responsibility. But deep down, they knew that their daughter was not the same girl they had raised. She was something more, something they hadn't anticipated.

The Reincarnated Villainess Wants To Cause Chaos Where stories live. Discover now