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4th of July 2024

When Travis woke up in the morning the sun was already peeking through the big windows of his Kansas City home. Turning around he found himself smiling at the scene in front of him. Taylor was tightly wrapped into the blanket, her head almost on his pillow, leaving the majority of the bed on her side empty as they were huddled on his side. He couldn't stop himself from placing a kiss on her forehead, lingering there for a bit, closing his eyes and enjoying the moment. These days he didn't get to wake up next to her a lot since she was still on tour in Europe and for him, practise had started again and he needed to prepare for the upcoming season.

But today, was the fourth of July and taking a glance at the clock on the bedside table he realized that it was already 11 am and their guests would be over in three hours. They had invited some friends over for a barbecue and pool party and he still needed to finish up the last touches. They had already decorated the garden yesterday in traditional colours and balloons, Taylor had spent the whole day preparing everything for the barbecue and baking cakes and muffins for everyone since she had been pretty nervous about meeting more of his friends. She already knew the majority of them from the previous games she had attended but still, meeting new people always stressed her out a little. By now he understood what it meant for her to meet new people and the anxiety that came along with it since many people who read articles about her online or just got bits and bits of information about her from headlines, would be prejudiced, claiming they already knew what she was like. He had tried to ensure her that his friends would like her, especially since they all knew how happy she made him but that still didn't make it any easier for her.

So, he decided to let her sleep a little longer while he would prepare a late breakfast for them. Going downstairs and opening the fridge he smiled at the freshly baked cinnamon rolls, the chocolate muffins, the brownies and the self-made pop tarts. Even though he didn't like seeing her stressed, the fact that she copes with stress by baking non-stop was adorable.

As he was just finishing the last touches on the scrambled eggs with bacon he had prepared, decorating them with some parsley, Taylor appeared around the corner, still only wearing one of his shirts and a short leggings. Looking up at her a large smile spread across his face, making her smile back at him. But somehow, her smile was only half-hearted. Something about her seemed off. "Morning." She whispered, her voice still raspy and thick of sleep. "Morning baby." He said, sitting down next to her and placing a plate in front of her. "This is amazing Trav you get better at cooking every single day." She said after taking her first bite.

"I'm glad you like it." He replied, starting to eat himself. "Still nervous?" he asked, noticing how she seemed to be lost in thought. "Yeah. But that's not even my main problem right now." She said, looking up at him. "Do you uhm- have some painkillers? Advil maybe?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah of course, is everything okay?" he asked, quickly getting up and grabbing the pills from the cupboard. "Just a bad headache." She replied, taking the bottle from him and taking the meds with a large sip of water. As he sat back down next to her at the kitchen island she let her head drop onto his shoulder, leaning into him as he placed his hand on her back, gently rubbing it, hoping it would give her some comfort.

"What time is it?" she asked sleepily, her breathing a little shaky and unsteady. "Uhm- 11.30, we've still got plenty of time if you want to go back to bed for a little while. Maybe you can sleep it off?" he suggested, placing a kiss on the top of her head. „Sounds good." She replied yawning. He couldn't help but get even more concerned, on any other day she would have insisted on being fine and told him that there was way too much to do before their guests would arrive so that her just giving in like this worried him.

"Okay, I'll wake you in two hours, then you'll still have an hour to get ready how does that sound?" he said, kissing the top of her head once more. She just nodded, slowly getting up and immediately starting to stumble. Travis was quick to catch her, holding her up. "Woah, careful Tay. What was that?" he asked, his concern growing with each second.

"Dizzy." She mumbled, leaning heavily against him as he was holding most of her weight now. "Come on, I'll help you upstairs." He said, laying her arm around his neck and carefully guiding her upstairs, sitting her down on the bed before going into the bathroom to get her a glass of water. "Here drink this, I think you might be a little dehydrated." He said. That wouldn't be surprising, after all it was summer and extremely hot and they had spent most of their day yesterday sunbathing. Maybe she had gotten a heatstroke.

Thanking him she took the glass and slowly drank it, her eyes closed as the world around her was still spinning. After she finished the water he took the glass from her and helped her get comfortable, tucking her in and placing a kiss on her cheek. "I hope you'll feel better in a bit." He said, gently stroking her cheek before closing the blinds to darken the room a little. "Night Tay." He whispered before leaving.


A few hours later the time their guests would arrive kept getting closer and Taylor was still fast asleep. He couldn't help but check up on her every once in a while to make sure she was alright. But since he knew that she liked to take her time with getting ready he should probably wake her up now. Walking up the stairs he quietly snuck into the bedroom, seeing her fast asleep in the middle of the bed. Although he knew she wasn't feeling well, the affection he felt for her kept rising as he just observed her for a little bit. She was so adorable as she was cuddled into the blanket and his pillow once again.

He sat down right next to her on the bed, placing his hand on her shoulder, before checking her forehead for a fever. She didn't have a fever though, her temperature felt normal so she wasn't getting sick. "Tay? Wake up sweetie." He said, smiling at her as she rolled onto her back and tried to open her eyes. As she met his gaze she sighed, letting her hand fall onto her eyes. "Still achy?" he asked, stroking her soft cheek with his thumb while cupping her jaw before bending down to gently place a kiss on her cherry lips. She nodded, smiling against his lips. "What's so funny?" he asked confused as she grinned, making it impossible for him to keep kissing her.

"I love waking up like this. Headache or not this is amazing." She whispered, her blue eyes sparkling up at him. "Mhm and I love you." He said, kissing her again. "I love you too." She said softly pulling him closer by his waist.

"As much as I hate to interrupt this Tay our guests will be here in an hour." He said, pulling away. "But what if this would make me feel sooo much better." She giggled, making him smile brightly. "You know I can't say no to you." He replied, starting to kiss her again.

Hope you liked that first (pretty short) one shot =)

I have never written requests before but if you got any ideas I'd love to hear them <3

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