the safety of home

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TW: mentioning of death, stabbing, terrorist attacks, bombs

The European leg of the eras tour was over. But that was a fact that was hard for Taylor to register. It felt unreal that the tour was almost completely over and with everything that had happened the past few weeks she desperately needed the time off. Still it was unbelievable that her biggest project yet, the tour she had put her heart and soul into the past two, almost three years was going to be over in December. She had gotten her heart broken, she had fallen in love again, she had made new friends and learned a lot about herself on that tour as well. It had been the most exhausting but at the same time exciting two years of her live.

But with everything that had happened, a fan dying in Brazil, little girls getting stabbed at a dance class and then the plotted terrorist attacks in Vienna, there was a part of her that couldn't wait for the tour to be over. This tour had brought along so many new challenges, challenges that she had not expected she would ever have to overcome. She had never imagined that even one of those things would actually happen. Of course she had known before the tour had even started how much attention it would bring her. She had known that the whole entire world would keep an eye out for her, known that the number of threats and possible dangers would more than double and she had known that horrible things like a terrorist attack were possible. She had known that things could happen at her concerts, especially since so many people came to see her each night. But that it would actually happen, or come close to happening, was something she had never actually believed in and something that had terrified her.

The first night back at Wembley had been horrifying. She remembered each time she came up on that stage or went under it for a quick costume change she had almost expected to be blown up by a bomb. She had been terrified and she knew that her dancers and crew and most likely some of the fans as well had felt the same. The place, her stage, that had brought her so much happiness over the past year had become unbearable to be on that night so that she had been nothing but relieved as the show had been over. The second night had been a little easier already but the feeling of comfort and safety that she usually felt when she was on stage didn't return until the fourth night.

And the stress that had come along with cancelling the Vienna shows and not being able to talk about it publicly until the last show at Wembley had been over had only added to her desperate need for a break.

But now she was on her way home. She was on her way back to Kansas City. Training camp for the chiefs was already over and tomorrow they would have another preseason game. She didn't plan on attending since she didn't need nor want any more attention on her right now. On the contrary, she just wanted to disappear and hide for a little while. And there wasn't a better place to hide from the world than in Kansas City. With Travis.

Right now she was on the plane, headphones on, her journal open on her lap, her hand holding the pen Travis had gifted her a while ago that had her initials engraved hovering over the page. Ever since she was a teenager Taylor loved to write down her thoughts and worries as a form of coping. Writing helped her to get clarity on some things and ease her mind a little. It would only take another twenty minutes until she would land in Kansas City. Since it was the middle of the night she hoped that there wouldn't be any paparazzi waiting for her at the airport and she could just leave the jet in peace without any umbrellas covering her and without the need of being flanked by her security too much.

Besides her security she was alone on the plane. Tree had joined her parents on a fly back to Nashville. Her parents who had stayed with her in London the whole time. She had been so thankful that her parents hadn't hesitated to fly out after the Vienna shows had gotten cancelled and she had been a crying mess, too scared to even think about getting back on stage any time soon. She remembered talking to Travis for hours and hours on the phone. Well, he had manly talked, she had manly cried and after he had offered her to fly out to Vienna, not being able to stand seeing her so sad and scared and not being able to hold and comfort her, he had manged to convince her to call her parents and ask them to come. She hadn't wanted him to skip practice and the first preseason games, not wanting another thing on her mind she had to feel guilty about. But her parents had immediately agreed and had flown out to be there for her for the last five Wembley shows. She was beyond thankful for them and that they would always drop everything to support her.

She didn't even notice that they had already landed until the pilot came out of the cockpit to get off the plane and her security had gotten up to carry her luggage over to the car waiting for her. She quickly packed up everything into her handbag, following Drew out of the plane. Luckily there really weren't any paparazzi waiting for her which was refreshing but not surprising. Kansas City was heaven on earth for her since as long as she was here, she was usually safe from those long lens cameras that followed her everywhere she went.

She couldn't help but smile slightly at the thought of being back here. She was finally home, after three months she was finally back home. She was exhausted and tired but so relieved. This summer, was going to be spend lying in bed all day, picking up hobbies again, writing some songs for the new album, getting to watch Travis play, getting to see her friends again and just recovering from everything.

A short ten minute ride later the car pulled up to his house. There was a light on in the kitchen, indicating that Travis was still awake and waiting for her. And the second she stepped out of the car she saw the front door open and there he was. She hadn't seen him in almost four weeks and by the sight of him standing there in the front door, the brightest of smiles on his face as he saw her she couldn't help but break into a run, sprinting into his waiting arms.

"Hey baby girl." He whispered as she buried her face into his neck, her arms as tightly wrapped around his neck as his were wrapped around her waist. She felt tears welling up in her eyes. She was home. She was safe. She was finally, for the first time in weeks, completely safe. "I missed you so much." He said, rubbing her back as he felt her trembling slightly. Travis had brought so much joy to her live and had for the first time in years given her back her believe in true love. Being in his arms and not having to leave again for two full months was the best thing she could imagine right now.

"Let's get you inside sweetie." He said, pulling away and taking her hand, leading her inside where Drew and Steve had already left her luggage in the hallway. "Thanks guys I have the guest house ready for you to stay in." Travis said with a smile and Taylor couldn't help but feel a warm feeling of admiration flare up inside of her. After saying goodnight to the guys, Travis closed the front door and turned around, smiling at her. "It's so good to have you here again Tay. God I can't believe I get you for a whole two months." He said with the brightest of grins on his face. She couldn't help but giggle as he pulled her into his arms again.

"I love you" she whispered into his shirt, feeling him tighten his arms around her as she finally spoke. He knew that she was going to need some time to fully feel at home here again and come down form the adrenaline high she had experienced over the past few weeks. "I love you too Tay. So much." He whispered back before pulling away again. "Let's get this upstairs and go to bed you must be exhausted." He said, picking up two of her bags and starting to walk up the stairs. Grabbing the last bag she followed him upstairs and into their bedroom where he put down the bags in the closet. "You want to shower?" he asked but she shook her head. She just wanted to get in bed and have him hold her until she would fall asleep. Hopefully one that would last longer than just a few hours like it had been the past two weeks.

He pulled out one of his shirts and gave it to her before getting changed as well. She quickly put it on, smiling at how large it was before crawling into bed and under the covers, waiting for him. As soon as he had laid down next to her she had cuddled herself into his arms, her head resting on his chest as his hand started rubbing her back what made her sleepy almost immediately. "You smell amazing baby. God I missed having you in my arms." He exclaimed quietly, placing a gentle kiss on her head.

"I smell like plane." She mumbled, making him chuckle. "You don't smell like plane. You smell like my Tay, my beautiful girl." He said, making her blush. This was exactly what she had been craving for so long. Being in his arms, having him rub her back and whisper sweet nothings to her, quickly putting her into a much needed sleep. 

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