my beautiful girl

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When Taylor woke up it was already light outside, which was surprising since she hadn't been able to sleep very well the past few weeks. She usually woke up way before morning, not being able to go back to sleep leaving her wandering around the house or lay down on the couch in her music room, waiting for inspiration to strike.

But this morning, she actually felt well rested and just overall happy. Yesterday the Chiefs had won against the Bengals, barely, but they had won. Afterwards they had joined their friends for Patrick Mahome's birthday party and had stayed until midnight, enjoying the closed atmosphere with no paparazzi hiding behind the next corner. She didn't get that often so she appreciated it a lot.

She slowly turned around and opened her eyes, blinking a few times as she tried to adjust to the bright light shining into their bedroom. Travis was sitting up in bed, his gaze fixated on his phone and he had a small smile on his lips. She just laid there, observing him. It seemed like he hadn't even noticed that she had woken up as he was too caught up with whatever he was looking at. She couldn't help but feel a warm rush of affection spread through her. Getting to wake up to him every morning for the past month was something she would never take for granted since soon enough their schedules would prevent that from happening once again. So she spent every morning being grateful for getting to be with him, to spend time with him, to just be close to him. And seeing him like that, his hair messy, his face unshaved but with that giant smile just made her extremely happy.

As she kept looking up at him she could see his smile growing bigger, making her smile grow involuntarily too. His smile was just too contagious. "Oh hey, you're awake." He then said as he finally noticed her looking at him after about five minutes had passed. "Hi." She said groggily, her voice still scratchy from singing karaoke with him at the party yesterday. "What are you looking at?" she then asked, chuckling as he had already shifted his attention back to his screen.

"Oh- I'm just looking at some pictures from yesterday." He said, still obviously distracted. "From the party?" she asked curiously. "No uh- from the game actually." He replied after a short pause. Frowning a little she sat up, moving to sit next to him. What kind of pictures could he possibly be looking at from the game? He usually didn't care about the pictures but only about the clips of certain plays he would analyse for hours after a game.

But what she hadn't expected was that Travis was actually looking at pictures taken of the suite and before the game, pictures of her. "Why are you looking at those?" she asked amused, giggling. She usually tried not to look at any kind of pictures of her taken from paparazzi, the press or fans since she usually didn't really like the way she would look on them. Actually she never really looked at any pictures of herself, knowing that doing so would make her doubt everything about her appearance.

"Just- you look so beautiful. I came across this picture this morning and I just- can't stop looking at it, I can't believe that this girl, this absolutely gorgeous girl is actually my girlfriend. You look so- happy and so cute. So pretty." He rambled, his eyes never leaving the screen as he spoke. Her whole face immediately blushed in a deep shade of red. As she didn't say anything he finally looked up at her, meeting her eyes. "You're so, so beautiful baby girl." He said, stroking her cheek, looking at her the way he always did when everything around them seemed to fade into distance. His eyes full of love and admiration.

"And I can't believe you're mine. I can't believe I actually got so lucky. I can't believe you actually fell in love with me." He said, his eyes shining as he teared up a little. "Well believe it. I did fell in love with you." She said as she finally managed to form a usable thought again. Hearing him say all those things made her all tingly and heated.

"I love you so much sweet girl." He said, lifting up her chin to kiss her softly, trying to put everything he felt for her into that one kiss since he had absolutely no idea how to put even one of those feelings into actual words. This love he had for her was so deep that it sometimes scared him. He had never ever before felt anything like this for anyone before. Every time he had thought he had been in love with someone, the love he felt for Taylor was so much more, so much stronger, so much deeper and better than any form of love he had ever felt before.

After pulling away they looked into each eyes for a while before he turned his hand back to his screen, back to the picture of her up in his suite, wearing a vintage chief's shirt. "I need to do something with this pictures it's way too good to just leave it on my phone." He said absently.

"You just look so beautiful I can't say it often enough. The way those little strands of your hair frame your face, the way your bangs are slightly curly, the soft waves of your hair, falling down on your shoulders, your gorgeous red lips, perfectly shaped, so kissable, your eyes, that little red bow, the way you look so carefree and at the same time invested in the game, the fact that what you're looking at in this picture is probably me it's just- wow." He whispered, tracing his fingers over her features on the screen. When he turned to look back at her he found her crying as she looked back at him, big tears rolling down her red cheeks.

"Oh Tay, no, don't cry I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" he asked, starting to panic. He immediately threw away his phone and brought her into a hug, rubbing her back gently. "No, no everything you said was perfect. It's just- no one has ever- I just- I don't know why I'm crying I just love you so much." She said, starting to sob. "No sweet girl, please don't cry. I love you too, so, so much. Please don't cry." He said, kissing the top of her head over and over again.

After she had calmed down again he pulled back to look at her, smiling sadly at her red, puffy eyes. "Just for the record, even after crying you still look beautiful." He said, making her laugh adorably. "Thank you, for everything you said. You have no idea how overwhelmed I am right now." She said, still laughing.

"That's okay Tay. But you should get used to it. I won't ever stop telling you how fucking gorgeous you are." He said, stroking her cheek.

How the hell did she manage to end up with a guy like him. After ever guy she had ever dated she had seriously thought that she was just not the type of girl any good men would go out with. Or that there maybe weren't even any good men anymore. She had believed that it was her destiny to end up alone, that she was cursed and unwanted. But Travis had proved her wrong. He had showed her that every single choice she had ever made, every man she had ever dated, every song she had ever wrote had just led her to him. She had just needed to wait for the right time. And now, she was with a man who actually appreciated her, who loved her for her, who didn't expect her to change and who loved her unconditionally, no matter how crazy her life would get.

After spending the morning cuddling in bed Travis then got a tiny copy of the picture to put into his wallet so that every time he would be at a grocery store or literally in any shop he would see it and be reminded of how incredibly lucky he was and that he needed to buy her some flowers. 

the picture in question:

the picture in question:

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