₊✩‧₊Of Migranes and Panic Attacks(Soyeon)₊˚౨ৎ˚

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Soyeon is sick, then has a panic attack due to her fear of vomit backstage at Golden Disk 2023 and the rest of the members comfort her. Fluff. Also contains some angst and some emeto. OT6

Trigger warnings: Panic attacks and vomit. (Are headaches a trigger?) (If you're not okay with that then you can just skip this chapter. You have been warned.)

The waiting room was bustling with activity, with the staff hurrying around to make sure if the sound and visuals were working, makeup artists trying to touch up the members' makeup, and the said members running around screeching like drunk baboons with fireworks up their behinds (mostly Shuhua and Yuqi). Soyeon grimaced as a sharp pain shot up her temple and she had to purse her lips tightly to not make a sound. It was backstage of the Golden Disk Awards 2023, and Soyeon was in agony.

Okay, maybe that was a little exaggerated, but the migraine that she was sure had ended decided to inflict its wrath upon the tiny leader on possibly one of the most inconvenient days ever. Stupid head, she thought. Why can't I go a single freaking day without feeling like my skull is being pounded by a sledgehammer?  Groaning, Soyeon attempted to stand up, ignoring the pounding pain in her head. Her headache will have to wait, her members are counting on her to deliver a good performance, as usual. 

But the moment she stood up, the world spun around her and bile rose to her throat. Internally cursing, Soyeon sat back down, squeezing her eyes tightly shut. Oh god oh god oh god I can't do this.  she thought. Just as she was about to give standing up a second try, Minnie's face loomed above hers, looking extremely concerned.

"Soyeon, you okay? You've been slumped on this sofa for almost thirty minutes, and you're paler than Shuhua and sweating. If you don't feel well, just tell one of us, okay?" For a moment, Soyeon wanted to confess how terrible she was truly feeling, but the thought of confessing left as quickly as it came. No, Soyeon. You're their leader. You're supposed to be the reliable one. The strong one. You can't let a headache get you. You are their support pillar after all. Forcing a weak smile, Soyeon replied 

"Eh, just tired. I'm fine though. I think the makeup unnie put too much powder on, so that's why I look pale." Minnie didn't look any way convinced, but nodded slowly just the same. "I'll believe you, but if you are really not feeling good, you know you can always tell one of us, right? You're still our baby, Soyeonie." With that, Minnie squeezed Soyeon's cheeks gently, and left to go get a snack. Soyeon sighed miserably, and pushed herself up from the sofa to go get changed. And that was all it took for her cover to be blown.

The room spun violently and Soyeon collapsed, disoriented and dizzy. Worst of all, she could feel the hot liquid she previously swallowed rise up her throat again, threatening to spill out of her mouth. She could distantly hear the members' yells, and felt a cool hand on her forehead. Groaning, she leaned blindly against the cool palm, sighing at the relief it brought her. The hand moved away, and Soyeon whined, trying to find it again. A larger hand began softly stroking her hair, and she melted weakly against the person behind her. She was almost comfortable when the thick liquid rose in her throat once more. Whining, she scrambled away, a hand tightly clamped around her mouth. She could faintly hear the members' voices calling for her, but she couldn't tell what they were saying in her fevered and panicked state. Suddenly, she could feel something wet on her palm. Before she could register it, she was gagging on the floor, staring at the thick, chunky mess on the floor. 

Soyeon started shaking, her breaths getting ragged as she heaved once more, bringing up another mouthful of that foul substance. She hated throwing up, scratch that, she was scared of and hated throwing up. Ever since that traumatic plane ride as a kid, she always couldn't stand throwing up. She could hear ringing, and her hand automatically found her hair and started tugging desperately at it, as if it could make her breathe better. Her chest was tightening as terror filled her mind. She was drowning in her own fear, drowning, and she can't escape......

".........yeon!.......Soye!........Soyeon!" Yuqi's yell brought her back to reality. Soyeon gasped desperately for breath, clawing at her throat. A warm pair of hands gently tugged them away, whispering soothing words in her ear. As her heart rate slowed down, Soyeon finally took notice of her surroundings. She was sitting in Soojin's lap, on the couch, and Miyeon was holding her hands down. The rest of the members crowded around them. She still had a semi-dried up stain on her sweater, but most of the vomit has been cleaned off her face and hands. Shame filled her. She had tried so hard to hide her sickness from her members, but they found out anyways. What if they think I'm weak? Would they want me as their leader anymore? Would they even want me in the group anymore?  Her breathing picked up again, but before she could go down her eternal spiral of overthinking and anxiety again, a warm pair of arms found it's way around her chest and another hand, a softer on was rubbing her back. 

"Shh," a soft voice whispered. "Yeonnie, it's okay. We're here, and you're safe with us, baby."Soojin unnie. Soyeon's eyes stung as she slumped feebly against Soojin's chest.

"I'm-I'm so tired, u-unnie," Soyeon hiccuped, hating how weak her voice sounded at the moment.

"Shh, shh, I know, baby. You've worked too hard, let us take care of you." Minnie unnie.

"Unnie, you always take such good care of us, now it's our turn to take care of you." Shuhua. 

Despite her raging fever and headache, Soyeon felt warmth creep up her chest. She truly had the best members ever. 

Author's note: Sorry if it's bad. As a first time writer and someone who has never had a panic attack before, I did have some trouble writing this. Please go easy on me and any advice is welcome! Thanks for reading and bye!

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