₊✩‧₊Of middle child troubles and a very protective bestie Pt1 (Soyeon)₊˚౨ৎ˚

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Hi guys! I'm back! Yeah, another Soyeon one. I can't help it. There isn't much Soyeon centric stories, and I saw a clip where the girls were debating about which line, the unnie line or maknae line, Soyeon was in, and my brain just went: Hey, that'll make a great fic! This one is kinda angsty, and is Ot5. Don't worry, it will always be Ot6 for me, but I needed it for the plot. 

Warnings: Panic attack, self hate (kinda?), vomit (there isn't much tho), (are like hurtful words a trigger? I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely don't know and don't wanna trigger someone, so I'm putting this here.)


It was no secret how deep Soyeon and Soojin's friendship was. The members knew it, the fans knew it, the company knew it. Heck, everybody knew about the unbreakable bond between the '98 liners. They rarely showed their affection on camera, but they were the best of friends. Both girls thought their perfect life would last forever.

Then it happened. The scandal flipped their lives upside down. Soojin fought for her case, and Soyeon stood by her side, fighting with her, but the girls' efforts couldn't stop the inevitable.

After Soojin left, Soyeon was in pieces, locking herself in her room and crying herself hoarse, screaming at the walls and pounding at them with her fists, trying to ease the terrible pain in her heart. Their life was perfect, until it was not. She almost went on a hiatus, but she had looked Soojin in the eyes and promised her that she'll look after the group when the group's "eomma" was gone, and she intended to keep that promise. 

The comeback was a success, and the group celebrated. Soyeon smiled with the members and continued to be playful and teasing, but the smile left the moment the cameras switched off. Sure, she felt happy, and proud that her song she wrote sobbing facedown into the table did so well and skyrocketed them to popularity, but the hole in her heart was still there.

It never fully mended, and was in some way, always there, a reminder that their lives could never go back to the way it was, but Soyeon healed. The wound slowly closed up and she became their cute and happy leader again, and in her heart, she did truly feel happy.

But that happiness, too, was short-lived.

Six months after they got back together, Soyeon was starting to feel left out. She told herself it was only her stupid insecurities and she was overthinking, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that the members were ignoring her. On purpose. You see, (G)I-DLE used to be split evenly into two lines. The unnie line, and the maknae line. Soojin used to be in the unnie line, and Soyeon was in the maknae line. But with Soojin gone, they were left with an odd number of members, meaning Soyeon was in the middle of the five. It was somewhat okay at first, but she quickly grew lonely. Miyeon and Minnie would go shopping together and go to concerts together. Shuhua and Yuqi would go to fun places like the trampoline park together and play video games together. And Soyeon was left alone. 

Funny, she used to complain that the dorms were too noisy and she needed peace and quiet, but now the prospect of being alone gnawed at Soyeon's stomach. She used to curl up with Soojin in bed to watch movies and wake up early to try new breakfast recipes to cook for everyone. Now, when she had a nightmare, she had no warm bed to climb into, no one to debate about the best character in a film, no one to just spend quiet time with together, just sitting or reading. All of this could, could have been bearable, if the rest of the members spent just a little more time with her. But it seems that they were all too preoccupied with their own things, and Soyeon was always too shy to ask.

It was eight twenty in the evening when the group finished dinner, which Soyeon had cooked and were all getting up and yawning, preparing to leave the table. Soyeon got up too, but before she could go, Minnie glance back.

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