Episode 1

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"Jungkook-ssi!" Jimin shouted, his wide grin plastered across his pretty face.  "Come on!"

Jungkook looked up at Jimin and couldn't help but smile back.  They'd driven from New York after having spent time together in the city out to a remote location to camp.  Jimin had recommended that the entire vlog be shot on their Go-Pros and that they would edit everything themselves.  However, the staff said they'd be more comfortable if they could edit the show instead and if they had some professional cameras and drones for a more polished look. 

In the end, the couple had agreed, but only after it was made clear to them that their vlog couldn't be another G.C.F.  Jungkook had taken offense to that at first, but Jimin had sweetly smiled, kissed his cheek, and told him it was fine. 

When they'd gotten to the campsite, Jimin had gone to the bathroom for quite a while, but Jungkook hadn't thought anything of it.  They laughed and teased and cooked some food, kissed each other under the stars, and cuddled until Jimin suddenly dislodged himself from Jungkook's arms to run inside the camper.

"Jungkook, I'm dying in there," he jerked a thumb toward the bathroom after Jungkook had given up on waiting for him to come back and had laid in bed.

Jimin groaned thinking back on how earlier in the day he and Jungkook had been eating and his stomach had hurt then as well.  He smiled pitifully at Jungkook, "I was fine when we were kayaking!  I don't know why my stomach is so upset."

Jungkook laid the camera down, blackening the screen and muffled his microphone.  "Jimin, baby, its okay.  You can just be here with me.  We don't have to do anything...else.  And it's okay that you're having to go to the bathroom a lot.  We've been married long enough now that I know all about all your farts and poops and vice versa."

"Shut up!" Jimin blushed, burying his face into Jungkook's chest as he jumped into their bed for the night.  "You're so embarrassing, I swear!  I'm just not feeling well.  Can we not talk about it?"

"You're the one who brought it up," Jungkook chuckled. 

"I have to go again," Jimin whined.  Jungkook kissed his neck and gave him a gentle nudge out of the bed toward the bathroom.

By the time he came back, Jungkook was almost asleep.  He welcomed Jimin into his arms, snuggling into his back and wrapping his arms around his smaller husband as he nuzzled his nose into the back of his neck.


Jungkook woke in a daze to Jimin shoving him roughly and hurriedly getting out of bed.

"Whaa?" Jungkook managed to croak out before falling back asleep.

Jimin sat on the floor and gave up trying to go back to sleep.  Between his frequent trips to the bathroom and his throbbing nose, he wondered if coming to see his husband, and the vlog in general, had been such a good idea after all.

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