Chapter 69: Loved

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Lucifer awoke quite some time before the radio demon did. It wasn't that he didn't sleep, he had been completely knocked out for at least twelve hours. But Alastor apparently needed a solid rest after all of... Well, whatever it was that happened. So once the sky began to light, the king finally got to return to his favorite morning activity.

Every moment that he was able to watch Alastor sleep was a moment that Lucifer absolutely cherished. Even just a few minutes of getting to admire all of the things about the radio demon that he was usually too embarrassed to stare at made the king feel like he'd never fallen from Heaven. Especially all of the sweet, cute little deer features Alastor had.

After everything that Lucifer had seen him do, it always seemed so ironic that Alastor could look so innocent and adorable. But there he was doing just that, and the fallen angel loved everything about him.

Lucifer loved the radio demon's soft red hair, he loved running his clawed fingers through it, he loved the look that Alastor gave him every time he did. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, it was extremely clear that the radio demon adored those moments of softness between them just as much as Lucifer did.

The king absolutely loved Alastor's fluffy deer ears and the way they silently spoke volumes about what he was thinking. He adored the way they would do a little flick when the demon was annoyed or perk up when he was interested or tilt back when he was unhappy.

Lucifer loved the radio demon's delightful hooved feet that no one else ever saw because 'You can't tap dance without a heel, darling!' He loved Alastor's absolutely charming little puffy deer tail that, although he'd never touched it, the king assumed would be just about the softest thing in the entire world.

And he absolutely adored watching Alastor slowly wake up. He loved the way the demon would scrunch his nose a little as he blinked the sleepiness away. He loved the way Alastor's bright red eyes looked for Lucifer as soon as they opened, like he wanted the king to be the very first thing he saw every morning.

But as much as Lucifer loved everything about watching the radio demon sleep, his favorite part was always when he woke up. Every morning, Alastor looked right at the fallen angel and smiled his sweet, soft, sleepy smile. Waking up next to someone he loved was Lucifer's favorite part of any given day, and he wouldn't trade those moments for anything in the world.

And, even though the radio demon would never verbally admit it, Lucifer knew that he loved being the little spoon. So after a completely normal amount of time staring at Alastor's fluffy little red and black deer tail twitch as he slept, Lucifer sprouted his wings and used the three on one side to make a big, soft blanket of feathers.

He stayed there for at least a few hours before Alastor woke up, but he didn't mind waiting. He didn't mind being there, holding his radio demon close and appreciating every moment that he was with the one he loved. He didn't mind at all.

Eventually Alastor began to stir, at first pulling Lucifer's wings even tighter around him like he was making himself into his own little feather burrito. After a few minutes, however, he rolled over and looked at the king with his classic soft sleepy smile.

Quietly, Lucifer asked, "Did you sleep well?"

Alastor yawned, displaying all of his many razor sharp teeth. "Hmm. I think so, yes." After a moment of silence he asked, "Have you been awake long?"

The king smiled and said, "A few hours, yeah. But I don't mind waiting if I'm with you."

The radio demon let out a small chuckle. "Well, I suppose you were deprived of me for longer than usual. I see why you'd need some time to bask in my presence." With another long yawn, Alastor stretched a bit, lifting the blanket made of feathers. Sitting up, he asked, "What happened to your wing?"

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