Chapter 74: Joined

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"Whoa! Whoa hold on, you don't gotta kill me. Come on, I can't die again before righting my wrongs! All I wanna do is find my daughter, okay? I don't care what happens after that, but give me a break this time, alright?"

The sinner clearly hadn't been around long. He didn't seem to know who Alastor was, even after revealing his identity as the radio demon. This man's fall from the Living World was so fresh that he had yet to even encounter the name of the most feared overlord in the realm.

But that didn't stop the idiot from being absolutely terrified, so that was nice. What he'd said got Alastor's attention, however, and now he was going to have to put this little task on hold until he could get more information. Standing on the outskirts of Pentagram City, Alastor looked down at the demon that was begging and pleading in front of him and said, "Stop your whining. You have children, you say?"

The sinner was a pathetic looking man with bright red and yellow hair, pale skin, and terribly empty looking crimson eyes. There was one large red splotch of color on his otherwise gray clothes, right over his chest. Overall, he seemed to be the same as just about every other freshly fallen piece of filth on the streets. It was a wonder that Alastor had been able to find him so quickly.

The miserable sinner was on his hands and knees as he begged to be spared, looking up at the radio demon fearfully as he answered, "Just one. A daughter. I love her more than the world and..." He paused and sat back a bit, putting his face in his hands. "God, I can't believe I let it all happen. I'm so sorry. I belong here. I know I do. But I need her to know that I'm sorry."

Great. Now I've got another one to find, Alastor thought. "You seem quite convinced that she's here. What makes you believe your sweet little girl is in the realm of the damned?" Alastor sat down on a rock nearby, deciding that he needed information much more than he needed to get this chore over with. He had all of eternity, after all. Looking at the desperate sinner, he added, "She must've been a feisty one, hm?"

The demon sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before slowly standing from where he was. He found a rock of his own to sit on several feet away from Alastor and answered, "She... Fuck, I can't believe this is happening. She... She killed her husband. Right before she died. So I figure, you know... You stick a knife in someone's back enough times to kill 'im, that's probably more than enough to get booted from any salvation God would want to offer."

Alastor tilted his head curiously. "Hmm. Sounds like quite the young lady. And have you heard anything about where you might find her?"

The sinner shook his head. "No. Nothing. I guess people don't go by their real names here, I don't even know what she'd be calling herself. And would I even recognize her, the way we look down here? Would she recognize me?"

The radio demon's smile widened a bit as he made eye contact with his grinning shadow. "I found my father here, you know."

The sinner looked up, seeming hopeful. "You did?"

Alastor nodded. "Yes, quite a number of years ago."

With wide eyes, he asked, "How? How did you find him?"

His smile ever growing, Alastor answered, "I put his name out, his living name of course. I made it known that someone was searching for him and where he should look to find me."

The sinner leaned forward a bit. "And he did? He came to find you?"

The radio demon shrugged and twirled his microphone staff. "Yes and no. He came, yes. But not for me. He thought he was searching for my mother. Bless her soul, she'd never be in a place like this. Just goes to show that he didn't know a thing about her, alive or dead."

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