Mialotte - I Get to Love You (Part 2)

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TW: Language, medical terms/procedures

AN: This chapter may be a bit longer, as I'm going to try and write out the entire pregnancy journey so you aren't left in suspense waiting for a part 3.

Thank you to all those on Discord who have helped me through my writer's block lately. Also, a special thank you to @Lover2212 for supporting me and helping me with the baby names. One of the names is just for you...

Enjoy lovelies!


The beginning of the pregnancy for Mia wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. She had expected there to be a lot of morning sickness and overall discomfort, but luckily for her, she had barely had any morning sickness. The only discomfort she really had, was how quickly her bump was growing. She started showing around eight weeks into the pregnancy, which was really hard for her to hide at the Nursery, considering she always wore tight clothing. She knew it would raise too much suspicion if she started wearing looser blouses or flowy dresses like her wife. Mia and Charlotte decided to sit down one Friday after work, and have a discussion on how they would tell everyone, because at this point, it really was inevitable. They had decided to send out a group text to their friends and invite them over for dinner that Sunday to announce the pregnancy, and the fact that they would be having not one, but three babies! Char sent out a text, and the two of them waited to see everyone's responses.

The Nursery Chat

Char: Hey everyone! Mia and I would like to invite you all to ours for a special dinner on Sunday at 5pm. We hope you all can make it!

Marjorie: Reece and I would love to!

Reece: Would you like some help with the cooking? I'd love to help if I can.

Mia: Reecey that would be wonderful! Thank you!

Autumn: If Reece is cooking, I'll be there.

Sorscha: Clodagh, Quinn and I will be there. Charlie, what's so important that this is so last minute?

Winter: My sweet, we would have gone no matter what. Our friends invited us, and it sounds important. Charlotte, is there anything you and Mia need help with?

Char: Sorscha, you'll find out Sunday. Winter, no, thank you, we are okay!

Carly: OMG! I'm totally there! Reece, can you pick me up?

Reece: I already planned on it, Carly.

Carly: Yay! Thanks "Dad!"

Reece: Ugh! Yeah, you're welcome.

Marjorie: Reece! Don't pretend you don't love it when she calls you Dad. I see the smile on your face every time she says it to you...

Mia: Okay! That's enough of that... See you all Sunday! 

With that out of the way, Mia and Char spent all of Saturday preparing for Sunday. They went shopping to get a new outfit for Mia that showed off her adorable baby bump, a new dress for Charlotte to match Mia's, and some cute decorations for the house to make it feel like a true celebration. They spent the evening setting everything up, so they could just relax the next day until they needed to start cooking.

Reece and Marjorie were the first to arrive on Sunday, Reece immediately going to the kitchen with Mia, and Charlotte to the island bar with Marjorie to watch their partners cook their dinner. Reece and Mia were a hoot to watch, always snapping quips at each other, knowing exactly what the other needed and handing it to them without saying a word, and genuinely having a good time cooking. Marjorie and Charlotte were both happy to be on the sidelines watching, as neither of them had any talent when it came to cooking.

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