Autumn - Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?

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TW: A wee bit spicy, language, and cuteness

AN: These next few chapters (and the previous) are all about the characters and what they are like coming out of anesthesia and on painkillers. It was so much fun talking about all of the ideas for how this would work out.
Thanks @GotYouBlue for your ideas, inspiration and help with the last chapter, this chapter, and the ones to come. These are going to be a riot. Huge shout out to the Discord as well for all of your thoughts, ideas, and help along the way. I love you guys!

Enjoy Lovelies!

Autumn hated being vulnerable, and she hated being dependent on someone else. Unless, of course, that person was her husband. She would do whatever that gorgeous man told her to do, the instant he told her to do it. She was at his beck and call, 24/7, wrapped around his finger. And she wouldn't have it any other way. She knew he would take care of her, come hell or high water, no matter what stood in his way. He was her protector that she never knew she needed, never knew she wanted. He loved her with everything he was, and would do anything to see her happy and safe. Seeing her in pain made him want to go on a murder spree, harming anyone in sight that touched his sweet wife.

As Winter entered the recovery room, he couldn't help it as tears formed in his eyes and his breath hitched in his throat. Seeing his beautiful wife, her face swollen and bruised, groaning in pain, was something that truly broke his heart. He couldn't stand his sweet being in pain, and there was nothing he could do about it. He walked across the room to stand by Autumn's side, trying, but failing, to keep the tears from falling down his face. He quickly wiped them from his face before taking her hand in his and rubbing circles on the back of it with his thumb. "Hello, my love." Winter said, leaning down and kissing her forehead. Autumn slowly looked over at Winter, and before she could say anything to him, looked over at the nurse on her other side, who was trying to remove the IV from her arm and take one last set of vitals so they could leave. "Why the fuck are you touching me? No one touches me, except for him." Autumn said, somehow impressively clearly with a mouthful of gauze, pointing at Winter. Winter pursed his lips to hide the smile creeping across his face and cleared his throat to hide the laugh. The nurse looked at him, eyes wide, genuinely scared. Winter looked at her, and said, "It's okay. She won't hurt you. If it makes you feel better, I can come and remove the bandages for you?" Winter asked, and the nurse shook her head and moved out of the way.

Autumn smiled at Winter as he walked to her other side, wincing ever so slightly as he gently took off the bandage from her arm, and gently took out the IV. "Sorry, my love. I did not mean to cause you pain." he said, kissing her skin where the bandage and IV were. Autumn just looked at him, nodding slightly, though he could see the love in her eyes. The nurse stood there mouth agape at Winter. "How did you do that? I've been trying for an hour, and she made three other nurses cry and refuse to help her before I came in!" The nurse said in astonishment. Winter just looked at Autumn, then back to the nurse and shrugged his shoulders. "What can I say, I have her wrapped around my finger." He said, earning him an extremely hard punch in the arm from Autumn. "OUCH!" Winter yelled, rubbing his bicep where she had punched him. "Jesus, Aut! Good to know you still have your strength, my sweet." He said, shaking his head, and grabbing the packet of information that the nurse gave them. "I'm going to go pull the car around. Be good, and listen to the nurse. Do not fight them." Winter said, looking Autumn in the eyes, before she nodded her head at him and he kissed her forehead before going to retrieve the car.

Once in the car and safely on their way home, Autumn looked at Winter, and tears started freely flowing from her eyes. Winter looked over at her, seeing her tears he immediately went into a panic. "Autumn! My love! What's wrong?" He reached out to grab her hand, as he was trying to get home as quickly as possible so he could take his wife in his arms and hold her close. "I miss you, Winter." Autumn said, her voice small and shaky, making Winter's heart break even more, knowing he couldn't comfort her in that moment. Luckily, he had just pulled into the driveway, and quickly shut off the car, getting out and running around to get Autumn out of the car. After carefully removing her seatbelt and getting the supply bag from the hospital slung over his shoulder, he gently picked up his wife, carrying her inside and gently laying her down in their bed. "I'll be right back, my love. I just need to go get you some fresh ice, and a glass of water, and then I'll be all yours to cuddle." Winter said, kissing Autumn's swollen lips. She sighed into his kiss, reaching up and grabbing his neck, deepening the kiss and wincing when she realized it hurt to kiss the love of her life. She pulled away, tears instantly falling down her face again. "Winter, you're too far away..." she whined, trying to pull him on top of her. "Autumn, my love, I need to go take care of you, or you won't get any better, and then we won't be able to cuddle because you'll be in hospital and not home with me." Winter said. He didn't like threatening his wife, but it was the only way he was going to get her to listen to him and let him go. She let him go, unwillingly, but then she had an idea. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and sent a text to the only other person she wanted to see.

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