Chapter 21 - Cheers to me

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The family had gathered in the living room after dinner. Ayla was sitting on the couch, flipping through a novel, while Darcy and Stephanie sat on either side of her. The rest of the family were scattered around the room, watching TV, but their attention kept drifting to the interactions between Darcy and Stephanie.

"Do you want some tea, Ayla?" Stephanie asked, already halfway to the kitchen. "I'll make you that herbal blend you like. It'll help you relax after such a long day."

Before Ayla could respond, Darcy piped up, making her way to the kitchen as well. "Or maybe you'd prefer a hot chocolate? I know how much you love it before bed. I can whip it up just the way you like."

Ayla smiled, a bit overwhelmed. "Um, either one is fine, really."

Kenyon, lounging in an armchair, raised an eyebrow at his brothers. "Did they always act like this, or is it just me?" 

Hunter, sitting beside him, chuckled. "You're not imagining it." Hunter kept glancing and patting his toddler, Aurora, who sank on his belly, holding her doll as she drifted into deep sleep despite the loud sound from the TV and the family's banter.

"Seriously, it's like they're trying to one-up each other," Lachlan whispered, leaning in closer to Caryll and Declan.

Caryll nodded in agreement. "First it was the dinner thing, then at the shopping mall and the art exhibit, now this. I don't get it."

Declan smirked. "Maybe they're just trying to outdo each other to see who's the best mom."

Rogan, sitting on the floor near Ayla's feet, looked up at her, his confusion evident. "Why are they acting so weird?"

Ayla, catching the conversation, looked at her young cousin with a reassuring smile. "They're just... both trying to be there for me in their own way, I guess?"

Hunter, noticing the puzzled expressions on the boys' faces, decided to step in. "They both love Ayla, that's all. It's a bit of a competition to see who can be the most supportive."

"Yeah, but it's kinda intense," Kenyon said, glancing over at Darcy and Stephanie, who were now engaged in a quiet but pointed conversation about what Ayla should drink. At this point, the TV wasn't as interesting as the live drama that was going on in the kitchen. They were all seated in the living room, but their eyes and ears were wide open for the argument happening in the kitchen.

"Girls, girls, girls. Seriously? This again? You know what, why don't you both make your drinks and let Ayla drink both, hmm?" Shane walked into the kitchen to solve their banters.

Ayla's eyes widen at Shane's suggestion. Going for both would work in the dress situation, but for a drink? There goes her bladder tonight. 

"Mom, seriously, it's just tea," Ayla finally said from the living room, trying to defuse the situation. "Or hot chocolate. Either one's fine."

Darcy and Stephanie both turned for a moment and gave her warm, though slightly strained, smiles, before both going on to continue making their drinks for Ayla.

"Looks like Ayla's getting both tonight" Kenyon said, shocked by his father's suggestion as well.

"I would stay in the bathroom all night if I were you" Declan said. "I'm too lazy to get up and keep on walking to the bathroom every 2 hours"

Hunter shook his head, amused. "You boys will learn one day that when it comes to family, things can get a bit... complicated."

Caryll frowned, still trying to make sense of it. "But why are they so competitive? They both know Ayla loves them."

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