Chubby bunny challenge

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Mabel:Dipper and Pacifica should do the chubby bunny challenge and it's from theMysteryWarriors

Nichole:bring the marshmallows

Mabel:what is the chubby bunny challenge

Dipper and Pacifica:yea

Nichole:is to put the most marshmallows in your mouth

Dipper and Pacifica:what no I'm not doing it

Nichole:I'll kill you if you don't do it

Dipper and Pacifica:ok!!!

Dipper:*grabs two bowls of Marshmallows*

Pacifica:*takes one from Dipper's hand* 

Dipper:who should be first 

Mabel:you Dipper

Pacifica:yes not me

Mabel:your next Pacifica

Dipper:*puts one in his mouth* 

Pacifica:I feel so much hatred

Dipper:*puts all the marshmallows in his mouth and spit it out* 

Pacifica:not me 

Dipper:don't worry Pacifica I right here *holds her hand*

Pacifica:fine I'll do it *puts one in her mouth*

Mabel:you guys are holding hands

Pacifica:*puts all the marshmallows in her mouth and spits it out*

Nichole:wow did you love that dare

Dipper and Pacifica:nooo

Mabel:yes you guys did

Dipper:no we didn't

Nichole:of course you did you guys and ask or dare us anything people and bye peeps

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